To the gallows

Story: Goodbye Fedora 13Total Replies: 6
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Jun 14, 2011
2:13 PM EDT
I always found the term "end of life" for a distro kind of funny, as if we were taking it out back and shooting it. Just because Fedora's not providing updates for Fedora 13 (or the same with other distros that reach their, ahem, "end of life"), it doesn't mean it's usable; this, of course, coming from someone who still runs his business computer on Fedora 10 . . . .

Jun 14, 2011
4:01 PM EDT
If you consider not having security updates usable. I don't.

Jun 14, 2011
4:08 PM EDT
> If you consider not having security updates usable. I don't.

That depends almost entirely on whether the machine in question is connected to the Internet or not.

Jun 14, 2011
4:56 PM EDT
Quoting:That depends almost entirely on whether the machine in question is connected to the Internet or not.
Do people still have ones that aren't? (Only joking) OK, for most people and for 99%+ of machines a distro without security updates might as well be dead.

Jun 14, 2011
6:02 PM EDT
I can compromise a system that has no Internet connection. Remember, floppies, USB storage and optical storage can also be attack vectors.

Jun 14, 2011
10:50 PM EDT
> I can compromise a system that has no Internet connection.

Yes, but that requires physical access to the premises, and if you have that you can compromise any machine.

Jun 14, 2011
11:34 PM EDT
Caitlyn -- I have other machines for that trendy Internet stuff like Web surfing and the like.

What I meant was this: The machine running Fedora 10 takes in data I enter and spits out invoices that get physically printed and mailed -- as in US Postal Service mail. Funny thing is, clients send me pieces of paper back that I stamp and bring to the bank. So I should clarify about "running the business" as such.

Oh, and gus3, you're not allowed in my office. Ever :-)

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