They need to just cut it off

Story: Microsoft to Windows XP diehards: Just 3 more years' supportTotal Replies: 26
Author Content

Jul 12, 2011
5:50 PM EDT
Anyone still using XP needs to either upgrade to Windows 7 immediately, or leave Windows altogether. If you're stuck with XP, there's something seriously wrong with what you're doing. What's the point of paying good money for MS software if you're going to shun their latest-and-greatest?

Jul 12, 2011
6:16 PM EDT
@Grishnakh, I'm using Windows XP, I use it because at the moment I must use Windows for some things, I hope it is the last version of Windows I ever use. I have no need or intention of "upgrading" to Windows 7 or any other version of Windows. I fully expect that by the time Windows Xp is no longer supported I'll no longer be using Windows at all.

Jul 12, 2011
7:07 PM EDT
When you only use Windows for one or two small functions like synching your phone or watching Netflix, it doesn't make any sense to line the pockets of MS when XP on VirtualBox works just fine..

Jul 12, 2011
7:16 PM EDT
I am happy to say that XP is the last M$ version I ever used..

Jul 12, 2011
7:24 PM EDT
My Gawd!

I nearly keeled over.

Please, please, please NEVER use the phrase "just cut it off" around here.


Jul 12, 2011
7:34 PM EDT
From the administrative standpoint of someone who works with Windows based organizations, XP is MUCH easier to work with. It is easier to deploy, easier to lock down with policies, easier to troubleshoot, doesn't have the ridiculous system requirements, etc. etc.

The college I work at just recently (in the past couple terms) switched from XP to 7 in the labs. And from what I've seen, it was quite a nightmare to get setup properly (I believe they are still trying to figure out how to get some things to work properly with imaging).

So yes, 7 is shiny, and has a few nice things (I have to admit the auto smart switching between domain and local user accounts in the welcome screen is nice), but overall XP is much easier to work with at an administrative and troubleshooting level.

Oh, and there's that nice little issue where Win7 doesn't automatically recreate the user profile directory if you delete/rename it like XP did (great for troubleshooting local or domain accounts). Thanks MS.

From the standpoint of a user who uses Windows almost exclusively for gaming, I must say I also preferred XP. There are still a number of things where Win7 has issues with older games (and it's not consistent either).


Jul 12, 2011
8:45 PM EDT
I'm sorry, I think these arguments are all cop-outs. If you like Windows, you should be using Windows 7. If you don't like Windows 7, then don't use an MS OS, or complain to MS and demand they fix it or else you'll take your business elsewhere. XP is a ten-year-old obsolete OS, and needs to be retired.

If you're going to be a Microsoft customer, then you need to use the OS they recommend you buy now, which is Windows 7. If W7 doesn't suit you, then maybe you shouldn't be using MS products.

Jul 12, 2011
9:10 PM EDT

I am sorry to say this , but you are talking through your.... <<If you like Windows, you should be using Windows 7 >> I should be using what I prefer, not what you prefer! <<If you don't like Windows 7, then don't use an MS OS, >> I don't have to use a product that 'you' like, just what I like! << or else you'll take your business elsewhere >> So, all of a sudden you are my manager ? Funny, I thought "I" was running my business. <<XP is a ten-year-old obsolete OS, and needs to be retired..>> And you are so darn technically superior that you know what is good for my business. Congrats ! <<then you need to use the OS they recommend >> I think I can make my own recommendations. <<If W7 doesn't suit you, then maybe you shouldn't be using MS products.>> Again, the same BS....people, bow for MS, they are the all knowing, bla bla bla

FYI, biggest part of my technical//computer life, I have been maintaining Windows based systems, from banks to insurance companies to networks in hospitals. WinXP and me have been going on well with each other. Why should we divorce. My 15 year old bicycle and me have been going on well with each other. Why should I trow it away.. My VW beetle 1600 still runs 60 Km every day without a glitch. Why should I retire it. I have an old PC running win98SE. It does what it is supposed to do. Why should I trow it away. My wife is 55 years. Shall I retire her as well

You deliver a lot of noise, but no substance. Please stay away



Jul 12, 2011
9:41 PM EDT
Quoting:I'm sorry, I think these arguments are all cop-outs.

Really, in what way?

Quoting:If you like Windows, you should be using Windows 7.

But I don't like Windows.

Quoting:If you don't like Windows 7, then don't use an MS OS, or complain to MS and demand they fix it or else you'll take your business elsewhere.

I've already taken my business elsewhere, no complaints to Microsoft, in fact I've never even ever allowed the OS to send a bug report to Microsoft.

Quoting:XP is a ten-year-old obsolete OS, and needs to be retired.

It is indeed, and it indeed does. But so long as it continues to allow me to run the software I am forced, by the nature of my job, to run, I have no problem continuing to use it until I no longer need to run it, which will be a point in time sooner than Microsoft stop supporting it. I have no intention of renting yet another copy of Microsoft's crud.

Jul 12, 2011
10:13 PM EDT
Nikkels and Tracyanne


If we are forced to use Windows, we use what works best for us (which in many cases is still XP), not what MS SAYS works best for us (because they are always going to push the newest version as the "best", even when in many circumstances it clearly is not).

Just like how we use Linux (we don't pick our distros/des/programs/etc. based on what Person X [who doesn't know us] says is best for us do we?), pick a car to drive, everything else.


Jul 12, 2011
10:40 PM EDT
Try 'just upgrading' to Windows 7 when you're on a multi year project with NASA and 5 contractors and you've got all this software that won't play nice. Oh, and guess what operating system they're moving everything they can to (hint, when I interviewed I said "I'm a ???ux guy") and that really sealed the deal.

Jul 12, 2011
10:42 PM EDT
All You Guys && Gals,

Your all missing the most salient point in this thread, i.e. my position is being usurped by an impostor. I am the only, registered shill on LXer.

So Impostor Shill, be gone or pay the fee to register that allows you to huckster your wares. The Free does not mean no cost marketing on these fine forums.


Jul 12, 2011
10:46 PM EDT
@Txt, are your terms RAND (Reasonable And Non Discriminatory)?

Jul 12, 2011
10:50 PM EDT
A duel of the shills! To the death! (is that RAND enough?)

Jul 12, 2011
11:00 PM EDT
Quoting: [...] are your terms RAND (Reasonable And Non Discriminatory)?

Absolutely not, as first come I claim exclusive rights to milk it for all its worth ... [ and beyond - that's shill's job]

As for a duels, I only go against sickly, ninety pound weaklings. Otherwise it is a track meet where they chase me while jumping over obstacles while I have a smooth path. Fair enough?


Jul 12, 2011
11:40 PM EDT
That sounds more like a M$ lawyer's strategy than a shill's strategy.

Jul 13, 2011
1:42 PM EDT
tracyanne wrote: But I don't like Windows.

Then you shouldn't be using it, at all.

If you're going to support a vendor, you need to use what that vendor tells you to use. Not some ancient version of their product that doesn't even support modern hardware and isn't supported by the vendor. If the vendor's current product isn't to your liking, then you need to find a new vendor.


Jul 13, 2011
1:51 PM EDT
> Not some ancient version of their product that doesn't even support modern hardware,,,

It's been my experience that XP supports far more hardware than any newer version of Windows.

Jul 13, 2011
2:02 PM EDT
@jdixon --

Yes sir!

You're far more likely to find hardware not supported on Windows 7 than not support on Windows XP. Lots and lots of corporate users remain at XP for a variety of reasons.

Jul 13, 2011
2:22 PM EDT
Grishnakh, what if you need to use windows for certain apps, but your laptop doesn't support Windows 7 because its too old. What should I do then, trow the laptop away? No, I'll use it because it does its job for me and works good.

I'm a big Linux fan/user/enthusiast, but sometimes I need to use windows for some development stuff. And if XP works good, why should I spend a couple of hundreds of euro's to buy Windows 7?

Jul 13, 2011
3:38 PM EDT
Quoting:If you're going to support a vendor [...]

You are not even an honest shill. Where do you think you are posting? On a Windows® fan site? I would wager you never attended a certified Shill School, rather listening in through open Windows and cracks under The Doors*.

Scott tells me you have made no move to pay your LXer Shill Fee. Have you no shame? I am sorely tempted to sic the worst of Dino on you, be gone malicious Sir, before it is too late.

As always


* And you know what that will get you? An fixed term, timed lease on a burial site in France.

Jul 13, 2011
5:51 PM EDT
Quoting:Then you shouldn't be using it, at all.

I've already made it clear I would rather not, I do however have clients that PAY ME, and a requirement of being paid is that I use Windows. Everything I need to do for them works just fine on Windows XP, I see no need to rent a newer version of Windows, the rent has already been paid for this version.

Quoting:If you're going to support a vendor,

But I don't, I haven't paid them a red cent since I decided I would no longer support them.

Jul 13, 2011
6:05 PM EDT
Don't feed the troll!

Jul 13, 2011
6:55 PM EDT
And TA's a better person than I am. I already have too little sanity, so I can't afford to sell any of it.

Jul 13, 2011
7:10 PM EDT
Sanity? We don't need no steenkin' sanity! .


(Ooooops. Sorry. I transmorgified back to the days when I was a Windows Drone.)

Jul 13, 2011
7:31 PM EDT
And I thought my kind words would have ended this useless thread of nonsense.

TA, you are being too kind and considerate, follow the August Gus's lead. Walk away in disgust, please.


Jul 13, 2011
8:04 PM EDT
@TxtEdMacs. Consider it done. Walking the Disgusted walk now.

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