Support for one percent?

Story: Lots of Support for One Percent!Total Replies: 0
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Jul 13, 2011
7:47 PM EDT
I've always wondered about the support. Sure, Adobe is slow putting out Flash updates for Linux, but they do it. Netscape always always had an X11 version of their browser, and there are a few other companies that always have a linux version of their stuff.

But the one percent....

If you type "ftp script" into Google, you'll get one of my web pages in the top 10, if not the top 5 results. It's all about sh-style shell scripts and client ftp programs. Very unix-oriented. Two years of Apache log file data says that people use Windows to retrieve the file about 78% of the time, Linux 12%, OSX 6% and a weird mix for the other 4%.

Since the web page is all about running Unix or Linux FTP clients in sh-style shell scripts, I conclude that a lot of people use Windows desktops, and surf the web using IE, but do the real work on Linux or Unix.

This is confirmed by having Google Webmaster Tools tell me that most "impressions" are made Monday - Friday, with virtually none on weekends.

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