It is Getting Silly

Story: What is your best favourite KDE distro?Total Replies: 40
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Aug 01, 2011
8:38 AM EDT
The war of the Distros is getting old and silly. Most Distros are mostly the same and the best one is what appeals to a user and feels comfortable with.

It is a personal preference. End of story.


Aug 01, 2011
9:01 AM EDT
Agreed - personal preference........and the one I am most comfortable with is not even mentioned in the actual article as far as I can see, and that is openSUSE.

Aug 01, 2011
10:49 AM EDT
Debian is the One True Linux, and the rest of ye are infidels and false prophets.

Aug 01, 2011
11:04 AM EDT
*cough* Arch *cough*

Aug 01, 2011
12:23 PM EDT

The rest are wanna-be pretenders to the throne.

Aug 01, 2011
12:51 PM EDT

Hay, you didn't need to prove the point!


Aug 01, 2011
2:16 PM EDT
No fans of Ubuntu Vista, er, Natty?

Aug 01, 2011
2:16 PM EDT
"There can be only one"

Slackware MacLeod

Aug 01, 2011
2:22 PM EDT
This discussion reminds me of one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes:

"Man is a Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion. . . several of them."

Aug 01, 2011
3:54 PM EDT
Fedora is the One True Linux, and the rest of ye are infidels and false prophets.

Aug 01, 2011
3:54 PM EDT
Well, pretty much everyone here should know where I stand on the issue. :)

Slackware user since '94.

Aug 01, 2011
4:18 PM EDT

I love the changing loyalties. :)

Aug 01, 2011
5:02 PM EDT
Best favourite KDE distro here: Slackware.

Aug 01, 2011
6:40 PM EDT
Crunchbang. #!

Aug 01, 2011
7:09 PM EDT
Quoting:Well, pretty much everyone here should know where I stand on the issue. :)

Speak for yourself, I'm sitting down.

Aug 01, 2011
8:48 PM EDT
Well the author went to Kubuntuforums and asked what our 'response' would be to his blog post (and the seeming flood of users of one particular distro), so that may tell you what the real agenda may - page hits perhaps?

Aug 01, 2011
10:00 PM EDT
so that may tell you what the real agenda may - page hits perhaps?

Isn't that the agenda with everyone who writes blogs? After all, if you really want to spend plenty of time with it, you have to do it professionally, meaning you don't have a "day job" that keeps you from devoting your full attention to it. If you don't do that, it's probably never going to be more than a hobby blog, with an occasional post. And if the blog is your profession, your pay is directly proportional to your page hits, so anything you can do to maximize that number is in your best interest.

People have to make a living somehow, and if you read any professional blogs, then it would be rather hypocritical for you to criticize bloggers from trying to drive more traffic to their site. As long as they don't go overboard with it (excessive spam posts to related forums trying to drive traffic to their blog, etc.), I don't see the problem. An occasional post here or there once in a while, which has the side-effect of driving traffic to the blog, really isn't a bad thing. It's like a form of advertising. Without advertising, we'd never know about any blogs to read, products to buy, etc. Just because some (well, a lot) of companies have figured out how to make advertising especially annoying doesn't mean you should condemn the entire concept of getting the word out. But of course there's definitely such a thing as going too far, which is exactly why everyone hates spammers with such a passion.

Aug 02, 2011
1:54 AM EDT
I'd just like to throw it out there Grishnakh that I write my own blog purely to deliver my thoughts and information to those who care about it. I've been writing for nearly two years now and I still run zero forms of ads or anything of that sort on my pages.

So if page hits are the agenda of most, they aren't the agenda of all. Some of us just enjoy writing :)

EDIT: Just saw this posting was from "Dark Duck". He consistently posts things that lack substance or depth. Remember - anyone is allowed to post things on the internet.


Aug 02, 2011
5:50 AM EDT
People use KDE? *ducks and hides*


That said...Gentoo/Funtoo/Debian here, but I'm an XFCE/Fluxbox guy (ok, I do have ONE box running KDE - a projection machine I'm working on to hopefully replace the aging one at the church when the software is ready - I suppose I should boot it up and update it....).

And I'm in the same camp as Jeff91. On the rare occasional I blog something, it's because I have something I think is interesting to share that I think someone else might find interesting. I seriously doubt I get many hits at all.


Aug 02, 2011
6:57 AM EDT
Well, at least I can tell you people what's not the best KDE distro: Gentoo. Probably most of the issues are KDE-related, and not to Gentoo. But anyway:

First of all, most of the time KDE takes over 12 hours to compile on my 3GB dual core AMD 4850e. Then, most of the times those packages start infighting over version numbers. Then, there's no good tool to migrate mail to KMail2, had to do it manually (from .kde/share/app/kmail/mail or so to .local/mail_blabla, had to find this out myself).

Then, lots of times Akonadi crashes the Xorg server, usually while I'm typing a lengthy message on Facebook. Kontact is incredibly slow, probably because of filters / SpamAssassin (even while using daemon and -m 5 IIRC). It takes over two minutes to fetch mail, and in those 2 minutes the window is blank and you cannot use Kontact.

So at this time I'm seriously considering switching to Natty. If Natty understands KDE's maildir, then I'm pretty much decided!

Only thing is, my Natty installation is a bit broken (updating failed or something) so I have to start X manually. And it starts really slow, compared to my 35s "coldboot" Gentoo (that's 35s from power button to working FF).

Aug 03, 2011
1:29 PM EDT
claydoh said: "[S]o that may tell you what the real agenda may - page hits perhaps?"

Grishnakh said: "Isn't that the agenda with everyone who writes blogs?"

That would be the agenda some, perhaps, Grishnakh -- and you could make the argument that the number is more like "many." But like Jeff91, I write "Larry the Free Software Guy" to deliver my thoughts and pertinent information -- and sometimes humor (I think I'm funnier than Ken Hess) -- which goes to a small group of regular readers and to a larger group when the blog gets picked up by (nudge nudge) or other entity. If I get 40 hits a day, I'm happy with that. If I get 3,000 -- like I have on occasion -- there's a particular "wow" factor, but either way, the number of hits is not important to me. But then I'm not beholden to sponsors, nor am I selling my blog to the highest bidder.

[By the way, Jeff91, I like your blog and quote it from time to time, like in my last post.]

Aug 03, 2011
6:07 PM EDT
I love the changing loyalties. :)

Heck, I've been loyal and faithful...lots of times.

Aug 03, 2011
7:43 PM EDT
lcafiero wrote: ...and sometimes humor (I think I'm funnier than Ken Hess)

Larry the Free Software Guy wrote:So if I were Etch-a-Sketch, I’d definitely get an attorney and look at Apple’s iPad and the Samsung Galaxy. Yep, some definite similarities there between the product I grew up with and those two, and some that a judge might find interesting.

Yep. You are funnier than Ken Hess.


Aug 03, 2011
9:14 PM EDT
Thanks Larry - I've been by your blog more than a few occasions.

BernardSwiss - honestly, I think it would be a shorter list if we wrote down who wasn't funnier than Ken Hess ;)


Aug 04, 2011
5:11 AM EDT
@ Grishnakh and Jeff91: My blog is not professional. It does not add much to my budget at all. As Jeff, I write my posts to deliver my thoughts to whoever cares. If you care enough to take part in another holy war of distributions, which I meant by this post, you're welcome. If you give no d@mn, it is your right. Sorry, Jeff, but post about crawling penguins in E17 is not something everyone would like to read either... and still... everyone is free to publish whatever he finds suitable.

Aug 04, 2011
10:59 AM EDT
I think we figured out all on our own that your blog wasn't professional DarkDuck.

Crawling penguins are at least cute. Getting people to flame back and forth over which distro is better is just silly.


Aug 04, 2011
2:42 PM EDT
Quoting:Getting people to flame back and forth over which distro is better is just silly.

Sure, but so are most 'modern ways' of entertainment.

Aug 04, 2011
5:50 PM EDT
In all fairness, if one compares "DarkDuck" -- let's call him a blogging enthusiast" -- to the typical "professional" tech journalist or commentator, he doesn't come off that badly.

So maybe he has a few lapses in his knowledge that he seems to not realize are there. Maybe he he doesn't have much depth of Linux knowledge. Maybe he comes off -- rightly or wrongly -- as somewhat self-promoting. No doubt he likes to see his page-hits increase. Well, who wouldn't?

But because of his enthusiastic tinkering he likely has more actual experience than many users (including myself). He may not be a RHCE or LPI cert-holdher, but a sense of fun and enthusiasm does come through. More importantly, he actually "does Linux" and writes about his actual experience, and he does so because he actually gives a damn, rather than because his employer has an agenda (or serves someone else's).

Anyhow, no one has to read his stuff, and yet apparently some people do. His blog may not be up to professional standards -- but he's still better -- significantly better -- than the typical mainstream popular IT sites, "professional" authors and commentators we all know all too well. Isn't he?

So what's all the fuss? He has an audience, and he's not FUD-ing left and right. Give it a rest, already.


Aug 05, 2011
8:38 AM EDT
Jeff, my blog was never meant to be professional. Have you seen any mentioning about professionalism on my blog?

If you give a damn to read "About me" page, you will see
Quoting:This blog is for everyone who is interested in the world of software in general, but in Open Source software in particular. Here I put down my experience with different versions of Linux (and some other) Operating Systems, and applications written to be used in it.
Don't accuse me in anything I have not done! Jeff, if you want to help to make my blog more "professional", do write for it. Otherwise, please shut up!

BernardSwiss: thanks for support!

Aug 05, 2011
10:08 AM EDT
DarkDuck, I've never made the assumption that your writing was professional. Not sure why you are under the impression that I did. In fact all I said about it was

"He consistently posts things that lack substance or depth."

Never accused you of anything mate. Take a chill pill :)

Cheers, ~Jeff Hoogland

Aug 05, 2011
10:24 AM EDT
No personal attack intended, but no matter what reason you have for the blog, professional or not, writing to instigate another Disto war is old, stale, and plain out silly.

Now, having all the right to publish your thoughts and opinions, others have the same right to let you know what they think of them, provided they don't include any personal attacks. I am not sure there were any in this thread.


Aug 05, 2011
11:37 AM EDT
Quoting:Now, having all the right to publish your thoughts and opinions, others have the same right to let you know what they think of them, provided they don't include any personal attacks. I am not sure there were any in this thread.
......although, one particular commentator did write these snippets here in this thread, in reverse chronological order:

Quoting:DarkDuck, ... Never accused you of anything mate. Take a chill pill :)
(Timestamp Aug 05, 2011 10:08 AM EDT)

Quoting:I think we figured out all on our own that your blog wasn't professional DarkDuck.

Crawling penguins are at least cute. Getting people to flame back and forth over which distro is better is just silly.
(Timestamp Aug 04, 2011 10:59 AM EDT)

Quoting:Just saw this posting was from "Dark Duck". He consistently posts things that lack substance or depth. Remember - anyone is allowed to post things on the internet.
(Timestamp Aug 02, 2011 1:54 AM EDT)

(quick, quick....EDIT out the last not-so-subtle personally-directed accusation before too many other readers notice!!)


Aug 05, 2011
1:13 PM EDT
The fact that I am an asshole aside, was I wrong in any of my points vain?


Aug 05, 2011
1:20 PM EDT
Maybe not wrong, jeff91, but unnecessarily harsh and personal-attackish. Enough is enough. No need to question darkduck's motives or treat him like our favorite ZDNet professional blogger, who likes to fuel the flames.

Aug 05, 2011
2:23 PM EDT
I must be going blind, I didnt see a personal attack just a perfectly simple statement of fact.

Sometimes I just dont know what the world is coming to when someone cannot point out a fact and it suddenly becomes a personal attack.

Most of DarkDucks stuff has been "content lite", this is not a personal attack I do not know Duck I just read his stuff because it gets posted here. He may be the nicest guy on this planet he may even be gods gift to women and IT, I dont know, what I do know is the lack of real discernible content in his writing.

Im not saying im any better as far as my blog posts are concerned which is why I keep most of my blog posts confined to purely informational to users of my software and I certainly don't post them here, mostly because I have little to say and even if I did have something to say my grammar sucks like a hoover you just ask Computer Bob :)

Please do not construe this as personal it isnt, I just like to see something of substance in writing regardless whether you are professional or amateur and would be more than happy to read his blog if this were the case, it isn't and have ceased reading his posts.

I will say this though what I did get from his posts was a real sense of enthusiasm for Linux which i did appreciate but for me a lack of content is a no no and simply pointing out that fact is not grounds for this "personal attack" rubbish thats now being bandied about.


Aug 05, 2011
2:59 PM EDT
Good points, Koriel. Sorry Jeff91, I have a soft spot for enthusiasts and don't like to see them beat up.

Aug 05, 2011
3:04 PM EDT
In regards to "personal attacks", I think we all need to be better informed, in different ways of course.

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” —Eleanor Roosevelt


Aug 05, 2011
4:38 PM EDT
And the truly twisted minds (like mine) find ways to insinuate all three into a single comment (like this one).

Aug 05, 2011
7:26 PM EDT
And Mint is still the best.

Aug 05, 2011
8:39 PM EDT
For TC.

Aug 08, 2011
5:51 PM EDT
Quoting:And Mint is still the best.
Quoting:For TC.

Perhaps solely for KDE on desktop workstations.

OTOH, according to the link , TC clearly prefers Community Server distros other than Mint.

Besides, there is yet another recent desktop distro-comparison piece entitled 'The best Linux distro of 2011!' found at the link

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