Anomaly Alert

Story: VMware 5.0 Licensing Changes: Your voices have been heardTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Aug 04, 2011
2:53 PM EDT
A comparatively well written and fact based article by Ken Hess.

I've done my share of Ken Hess bashing over the years, so when he does write something worth reading, I feel it my duty to note it. It's still slightly more rah-rah than I'd like, but that's about the only thing negative I can say about it.

Aug 04, 2011
5:11 PM EDT
answered wrong thread

Aug 05, 2011
5:18 PM EDT
My problem is not the article but its the definition of "Customer" that needs to be a bit more clearly defined.

If they mean by customer "large server virtualisation farms" who have heaps of money to throw about then yes the article is probably correct in its assumption that Vmware are listening.

Or do they mean the "average punter trying to run the linux version of Workstation on a slightly newer stable kernel" then I beg to differ.

If it weren't for some nice non Vmware folk who go out of their way to make installation patches available then the average linux punter would be pi**ing in the wind for the next six months waiting for Vmware to play catch up dont ya just love selectional hearing.

Aug 05, 2011
9:54 PM EDT
> If it weren't for some nice non Vmware folk who go out of their way to make installation patches available,,,

Been there, done that. Numerous times, in fact. The VARguy's article plugging KVM for desktop use has motivated me to take a quick look at it and see how it does.

To be fair, I've run VMware Server, not Workstation, but that's essentially a difference which makes no difference.

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