Couldn't see the relation with linux.

Story: Mango release rumours leave Nokia behindTotal Replies: 5
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Aug 13, 2011
2:41 AM EDT
Must be slow news day.

After Nokia made deals with Microsoft I'm no longer interested in their phones. Not cuz I felt betrayed since I don't fanboy corporations.

I'm settling with an Android phone for now, but I figured out how to use "adb shell" to install apps and make custom image of the phone, getting a fully functional phone without logging in with the gmail account (except you have to eventually to update the apps). Also Android's VPN feature doesn't work whatsoever on my phone with its current kernel. It would be nice to have a "Chromium" version of Android, without any of the Google services included.

Android is really fun to use as novelty, but I miss how with Maemo I can have OpenVPN or go in terminal and do whatever, not waste time figuring out how to root or jailbreak a device which is a joke. N900 is too outdated though so I sold it, but I hesitate to buy that upcoming Nokia N9 Meego phone.

Guess one had to be grateful to companies like Canonical, as with Nokia making and pushing Symbian and Maemo. Perhaps in a sense Google, but I've been skeptical of their business ethic. We have open softwares, but quality open hardwares are not there yet and maybe a longtime to come. So asking for a true linux phone is far fetch asides from community effort, unless IBM proves me wrong, but nobody is that nice.

(Yes I know the article is about Windows Phone, but I really am not going to use that operating system even after seeing introduction of it by Lisa from

Aug 13, 2011
12:09 PM EDT

Yeah, weekends are slow since lurkers like me are not posting interesting news.

Aug 13, 2011
12:09 PM EDT

Yeah, weekends are slow since lurkers like me are not posting interesting news.

Please do remember you can post better articles here:

Aug 13, 2011
4:45 PM EDT
Yeah, I love my N900, and I'm dreading the day it dies. I was looking forward to what they might do with a Meego phone...and then they went MS...and then they announced that the one (and probably only) Meego phone they are making won't be released in the I'll have to see what's around when my N900 finally dies (which hopefully won't be for a long long time).

Aug 13, 2011
5:03 PM EDT
I'd love to see WebOS become popular.

Aug 13, 2011
10:28 PM EDT
I would like to upgrade from my Nook Color to a WebOS tablet because I like HP/Palm's vendor supported root philosophy. My only issue is a very mundane one, the Nook Color fits in my pants pocket but the HP tablet is too large. That's a show stopper if you want a tablet that can go with you everywhere. HP needs to shrink their tablet and come out with a 7" model, then I would be onboard with it.

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