As bad as iOS

Story: Ready for Gnome 3.2? no more suspend on laptop lid closeTotal Replies: 7
Author Content

Sep 17, 2011
3:00 PM EDT
I've got a great idea, lets release a desktop that lacks features - then future releases can be even more "revolutionary" when we add those features back in.

What a stupid idea. This is as dumb as people getting excited when iOS gained copy and paste.

These are things that should have been there from the get go folks.


Sep 17, 2011
3:33 PM EDT
Please read TFA:

Quoting:"Not anymore. The new Gnome 3.2 version started to add back features into the desktop and (looks like) started to listen to the complaints of the desktop users. The default behavior is still the suspend (They still have the suspend fever). But in the the power settings screen of the git versions (which will be eventually the Gnome 3.2), there is an added option to change the default behavior on laptop lid close."

Earlier versions had only suspend on lid close with no built in ability to change the settings (except through config files). Third party utilities allowed this setting to be changed.

The latest version gives users the ability to change the setting themselves.

I had the similar thoughts as you did when I read the headline, but after reading the article I realized the headline gives the opposite impression of the actual article.

Sep 17, 2011
3:43 PM EDT
Huh. I use gnome on Ubuntu 8.04-9.10 and it always had options for what to do when closing the lid


Sep 17, 2011
6:02 PM EDT
Yes Jeff, they removed those options for GNOME 3, now as of GNOME 3.2 they are puting them back in. You see all those user studies they did were wrong, they didn't know this, of course, and had to wait for the complaints before they could correct the invalid user studies.</p>

Apparently there are other user studies that are wrong, but they don't know about those yet, as the user complaints aren't yet loud enough to be heard.</p>

Sep 17, 2011
6:44 PM EDT
This Hitler video about Gnome 3 is hilarious:

Sep 17, 2011
8:39 PM EDT
That seems like a pro Gnome 3 video, I never found too much of those iteration funny.

Sep 17, 2011
10:34 PM EDT
Quoting: 've got a great idea, lets release a desktop that lacks features - then future releases can be even more "revolutionary" when we add those features back in.

It's been done. It was called Windows 95, Windows 95 Plus!, plus Kernel Toys and Power Toys. I'll admit that I rather liked win95 at the time, but I'm not up for reruns.

Sep 18, 2011
6:49 AM EDT
I participated in a request for comments from the person that designed this. At that time I told him what a bad idea it was, and was unfortunately ignored. There were so many "me too" apologists in the thread saying it was a good idea that those of us that were trying to stress how bad of an idea it was were silenced.

That's the problem with apologists, they get in the way of real problems getting fixed.

Glad to see that they are coming to their senses (at least on this topic), how unfortunate that it is a year later.

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