Wishful thinking, Redmond

Story: Windows Phone 7 Mango Ready. Does it Matter?Total Replies: 4
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Sep 23, 2011
4:13 AM EDT
I really don't know what the rest of the world is doing, but I most definitely DO know what Australians are doing in the southern part of the State of Queensland. I keep dropping into big mobile phone stores and asking questions - and getting answers that Microsoft definitely doesn't want to hear:

The "kids" buying new smart phones don't want to touch any Windows phone with a barge pole.......Android smart phones are "in, cool, and the only way to go".......and that is for various reasons of an excellent application which runs extremely well, cost, freedom and lack of lock-in. No-one in the industry sees this changing either. Microsoft missed the original train, then "hijacked a locomotive" in order to start a new train at the station, but the original train is now many stations down the line, and the new locomotive doesn't seem to be responding properly, if I am any judge.

One could almost (note, I did say "almost") feel sorry for Redmond.......but it has overtones of self-inflicted chain-saw wounds at knee level.

Sep 23, 2011
4:30 AM EDT
The "kids" buying new smart phones don't want to touch any Windows phone with a barge pole.......Android smart phones are "in, cool, and the only way to go"

As far as I can see/hear, the same goes for Thailand

Sep 23, 2011
7:34 AM EDT
Well it was an American* adage disbursed by a said Barnum, which loosely translates into 'A sucker is born every minute', which seems to hold true on this section of the afore mentioned continent. Thus, even without this shill's** help it will sell here, I presume.

I still remember a guy giving a woman the benefit of his ignorance by describing the then Windows (circa version 3.1x) environment as an OS in a very loud voice. This individual puffed himself up like a bull frog deepening his voice and its volume so it could be heard by all, even I at the other end of the enclosure. However, to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was hormones speaking more than Silly Puddy between the ears.



* Really only applicable to residents of a Northern slice, designated as the United States of America.

** Only recognized, register MS Shill allowed knowingly to mouth off non sense on LXer. [If you do not believe this assertion, just get confirmation for its Editor-In-Chief.]

Sep 23, 2011
11:40 AM EDT
I was under the impression that the "20%" number essentially assumed all of Nokia's 20% share for Symbian at the time would just transfer over to Microsoft after Elop took over everything. Or at least, that's how I remember interpreting the graphs that showed up in the reports at the time.

It seemed like a huge assumption to me, too...

Sep 23, 2011
3:01 PM EDT
I like mangos. They'd be awfully messy on phones so I think I'll pass.

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