Don't Buy this Trash People

Story: Rooting Kindle Fire bricks videosTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Nov 24, 2011
6:51 PM EDT
Anything that makes the user hack at something they are buying in order to have full control is just wrong.

Don't give your money to these greedy companies that care nothing for you.


Nov 24, 2011
7:28 PM EDT
I agree with the philosophy, but I think it's just a matter of time to see its fruition. The full control is there. The software available has some catching up to do.

Nov 25, 2011
2:26 AM EDT
I agree with the philosophy too, but unfortunately for most people it's not that easy to follow because it just isn't practical. There aren't exactly a lot of devices out there that you can buy which were designed with the ability for end-users to easily modify them, so you have to try to find ones that will allow you to do what you want, at a price you can afford.

For instance, say you'd like a tablet computer to play around with, but want to be able to install Linux on it. I don't believe there's any out there like this, so you can either 1) pay to have your own tablet computer designed and manufactured specially for you (good luck), or 2) buy something that's already on the market. Then, you'll just have to choose the best combination of hardware features, "hackability", and price. Obviously you don't want something that's completely unhackable, so you'll look for something that is, even if it isn't totally ideal (as in full docs available).

The sad fact is that there just isn't that much of a market for fully hackable devices with full documentation; if you insist on this, you'll end up having no devices at all.

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