Looks cartoonish and busy...

Story: Puppy Linux 5.3.1 'Slacko' Review Total Replies: 0
Author Content

Dec 21, 2011
9:25 AM EDT
While admittedly a minor gripe, my main issue with the Puppy Linux releases has been their overly cartoonish and busy interfaces. Just take a look at the screenshots in this article. The default colors are bright, the desktop is littered with cartoonish icons, the taskbar is not only a puke green but littered with icons. It's a shame because first impressions count but many people might fail to take Puppy Linux seriously because it looks like it was built by Fisher-Price. The truth is that Puppy Linux is a savior for those with really old or very underpowered computers offering modern functionality and speedy performance. I wonder what the uptake of Puppy would be if a version came out that sported a simple, elegant professional desktop experience suitable for SOHO environments.

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