I would have preferred "Slimy Slug"

Story: Ubuntu 13.04 out now, Ubuntu 13.10 namedTotal Replies: 8
Author Content

Apr 27, 2013
9:15 PM EDT
Why? I've downloaded 13.04. It's slow compared to other distros on even somewhat older hardware. Part of that is Unity but part is just the way Ubuntu does things and doesn't optimize things. Oh, and yes, I shut off as many services as possible. I have no hope that 13.10 will be somehow faster.

I'll reserve comment on features/bugs/usability until I've played with it more.

Apr 29, 2013
1:38 PM EDT
A happy kubuntu user, I've installed ubuntu 13.04 gnome edition on a test machine, just to get a feel for it. It's not bad, actually. I could certainly get by with this gnome environment. I decided to add a repo that brings it up to gnome 3.8, added an extension or two and now it's downright usable, but I couldn't see using it on a smart phone.


Apr 29, 2013
4:47 PM EDT
WTF is the "kubuntu ... gnome edition"!?

Apr 29, 2013
5:15 PM EDT
@ caitlyn

Performance issues with *buntus has been a common problem almost since the distribution's debut. Sorry, but you should have known better; complaining about it here is unproductive. With 749 distributions currently listed on Distrowatch I would think you could find something more palatable to your performance needs. I personally use Sabayon, which I find to be lightening fast even with a full blown desktop like KDE (of course Sabayon offers a spin using any of the popular desktops including Cinnamon and razor-qt.) You could also try Linux Mint Debian Edition. It's a well known fact that Debian is much faster on equal hardware than Ubuntu and with the Mint version you have a user-friendly desktop that's superficially identical to Linux Mint proper, which is based on Ubuntu, and all of Mint's tools and utilities as well. Speaking of Debian, if you like Unity, I would imagine that you could compile your own Debian DEBs for the Unity desktop (you'll probably need to be on Debian Testing at a bare minimum) using Ubuntu's source repositories. Yes, it's a little work, but if you want the performance and the freedom from Canonical it will be worth it. In short, if you're unhappy with Ubuntu look around. There are a lot of other options.

Apr 29, 2013
5:21 PM EDT
@notbob - there is no "kubuntu gnome edition". There is however an "ubuntu gnome edition", which is ubuntu with the gnome desktop instead of unity, and that is what I (a kubuntu user) tried out, with fairly good results.


Apr 29, 2013
9:02 PM EDT

Don't mind me. Senior moment. ;)

Apr 30, 2013
1:00 AM EDT
@cmost: I wasn't writing out of personal disappointment. I occasionally get paid to write distro reviews if you remember. I'm perfectly happy with Red Hat and clones, thankyouverymuch, and have no interest in anything Debian or Ubuntu based for two reasons: 1) the enterprise is dominated by Red Hat with SUSE a distant second in the U.S. My work isn't likely to be on Ubuntu or Debian, and 2) because of my work I am much more comfortable with packaging for Red Hat.

You know what I really hate most about Ubuntu now? 9 months of support and then it's dead. Are they completely freaking insane?

Apr 30, 2013
5:24 PM EDT
@ caitlyn

I've never been a fan of Ubuntu since trying it out here and there over the years and always feeling disappointed. I did use Linux Mint for quite awhile but that was before the days of PPAs and where Ubuntu was basically frozen save for security updates. One bright spot lately, IMHO is that the tech community seems to be getting the memo that Ubuntu is NOT the best Linux distro nor does Canonical have its users' best interests at heart. I don't miss the days where ten articles spring up speculating on what it means after an Ubuntu developer yawns and runs his fingers through his hair. In any case, I agree that Red Hat and workalikes are also great distros. I never got into them because ten years or so ago when I made the permanent switch from Windows to Linux, Red Hat nor Mandrake had a proper dependency resolving package manager like Synaptic (remember dependency hell?) I found heaven in Debian and then a long string of its children from SimplyMEPIS to Parsix to Sidux. The only drawback was the slightly old packages in its repositories. A few years ago I discovered Sabayon, a binary distribution based on Gentoo and have been hooked ever since. But, I encourage anyone to discover on their own what works best for them. Good luck!

Apr 30, 2013
8:43 PM EDT
Hey for those of you looking for something new, that runs faster than Ubuntu 12.10 and 13.04 you should try a remastered version I put together at http://www.justuselinux.com. It uses the MATE Desktop, and runs much faster according to my users. I say any time your not running Unity it's a step in the right direction ?

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