A PPA will take care of that in no time

Story: Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 Will Not Include GNOME 3.10Total Replies: 0
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Sep 29, 2013
9:48 AM EDT
I don't understand this crybaby. As sure as I live and breath a PPA will spring forth containing the most up-to-date Gnome packages, probably even before the final release of Ubuntu 13.10. The developers are interested in releasing a stable operating system that they can support. It would make absolutely no sense to throw in a very large wild card like a new version of something as all-encompassing as the desktop environment within a few scant weeks of release. Sure, end users who want Gnome 3.10 will have to take two minutes to add the PPA and then upgrade but then my guess is that the target users of Ubuntu distributions, which are new Linux users, don't care one whit whether what they're using is Gnome 3.8 or 3.10. Users who do care are likely intermediate to advanced users and they will know how to add PPAs or they will use rolling distributions like Arch. Whether or not the final release of Ubuntu 13.10 contains Gnome 3.8 or 3.10 is a non-issue.

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