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Story: Linus Torvalds still wants Linux to take over the desktopTotal Replies: 2
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Apr 08, 2016
3:34 AM EDT
Just a rethoric : if Linux does not generate tons of money on the desktop, it won't ever take off. Canonical was the last hope, it just sold out. Android on the desktop ? A curious thing.

Apr 08, 2016
10:30 AM EDT
>if Linux does not generate tons of money on the desktop, it won't ever take off.

It all depends on what the definition of Linux is...

For some of us, Linux is not as important as GNU/Linux or BSD/GNU/Linux or BSD/BSD for the BSD fans. It could be argued that the Linux desktop already exists and is expanding its influence... via Chromebooks.

But, personally, I don't agree with the supposed equation:

Linux winning == Android or ChromeOS winning.

As far as 'winning' goes, I'm not sure I care much anymore about winning. The BSD/GNU/Linux desktop I use daily isn't going to disappear because Canonical sells out to Microsoft or ChromeOS becomes dominate over Microsoft. Regardless of the rest of the computing market, I will still have plenty of freedom software to choose from for the foreseeable future. And that is something to be happy about.

Apr 08, 2016
2:10 PM EDT
> Canonical was the last hope, it just sold out.

The MS Canonical deal is less about the desktop and more about "devops".

What is needed is products running Linux in stores, with the ability to go back to the store for support. That is why people are picking Apple, because they can go to any Apple store globally if there is problems with the product.

BTW, lets not ignore that you can now preorder a tablet running Ubuntu...

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