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Story: Do You Own What You Own? Not So Much Anymore, Thanks To CopyrightTotal Replies: 2
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May 08, 2016
1:29 PM EDT
This is what FOSS and Creative Commons help to prevent or cure...

It's license that matters. Too many end-users simply do not realize that the EULAs contained in software products and IoT webservices matter.

In general, as in the case of Revolv, the hardware that comes with the purchase is only one half or less of the actual product. This is the danger of buying into most products now available for "The Internet of Things" ...

A friend of mine pointed out a particularly strange product known as eero:

The website is pretty to look at and the claims about ease of use gloss over the fact that the delivered hardware consists of very good wifi access points that have a single valid controller... and that controller is not a delivered product. The controller sits in "The Cloud"... so if you buy the eero, beware! And remember Revolv!

$500 shelled out for 3 pretty remote brickable items, with little or no warning and no legal method to reuse them (DMCA and all that jazz), is not something I'm going to run out and buy.

In the case of eero, there's also the odd choice of handing total control over your internal networking to a Cloud service...


May 10, 2016
9:38 AM EDT
Never mind that open source is worthless if device storage can't be modified without a encryption key you don't control...

May 10, 2016
10:01 AM EDT

Agree there too...

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