I see Schestowitz is still publishing click bait nonsense

Story: The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is Apparently, as Per Latest IRS Disclosure, About 95% Companies-FundedTotal Replies: 10
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Mar 09, 2020
12:08 PM EDT
Yes, Linux is corporate nowadays. It has been for a couple of decades at least. Yes, companies Schestowitz hates (read: Microsoft) are contributing and have for years. Yes, there are sometimes things done by the for profit people who are actually paying FOSS developers' and engineers' salaries (mine included) which deserve scrutiny and, sometimes, calling out. My problems with Schestowitz is the charged language, the demonizing of for profit business, and the charged political language that makes the worst of the Bernie Bros look mild by comparison. Even when Schestowitz has a valid point he loses all credibility with how he presents it. I only started looking at his stuff again recently. Maybe I shouldn't have.

Mar 15, 2020
12:34 AM EDT
Hi caitlyn, can you please give examples/instances of the "charged political language" you speak of? I am careful with words but the underlying subject is tough (no matter how one approaches it). There's no such thing as "Bernie Bros" (it can be traced back to an AstroTurfing campaign and myth-making akin to the red-baiting). if you think I oppose business or profit motive, what is it based upon? That is false.

Mar 15, 2020
12:00 PM EDT
I for one greatly appreciate your researched and well expressed articles. We need strong voices to protect FOSS values from encroachment by those who would serve their own corporate self-interest.

You are an articulate voice. Please feel greatly appreciated.

Mar 15, 2020
4:46 PM EDT
If I refused to read any site with "click bait nonsense", that would eliminate 90% of the main stream media. Compared to them Roy's headlines are nothing.

Mar 16, 2020
11:11 PM EDT
Most of the links in his articles refer to earlier articles by... Schestowitz.


Mar 17, 2020
3:25 AM EDT
Focus on accuracy of the claims, not the messenger. It took many hours to study and verify the underlying facts.

Mar 17, 2020
6:41 PM EDT
Why should I check the accuracy of the claims, if I have to click through multiple articles (of yours) to get to the source material? That's a rabbit-hole, no telling how far I'll be going before I find a way out.

Mar 17, 2020
11:16 PM EDT
In this particular article there are many links to original sources, such as IRS filings

Mar 18, 2020
12:21 PM EDT
> Yes, Linux is corporate nowadays. It has been for a couple of decades at least.

That's hardly a surprise and not really the focus of Roy's articles. Talk about a straw man. :O

Even RMS doesn't have a beef with people making money from FOSS, and that guy is extreme.

I think if I had to summarize many of the articles from Roy's website, I think I would say that Microsoft are complete hypocrites. Well, you won't get much argument from me on that.

Mar 30, 2020
4:35 PM EDT

> That's hardly a surprise and not really the focus of Roy's articles. Talk about a straw man. :O

> Even RMS doesn't have a beef with people making money from FOSS, and that guy is extreme.

> I think if I had to summarize many of the articles from Roy's website, I think I would say that Microsoft are complete hypocrites. Well, you won't get much argument from me on that.

Good points, and the Redmond Major$ucks media machine never really renounced EEE despite the current Charm Offensive$ aimed at developers (and at SJVN).



Mar 30, 2020
7:00 PM EDT
Quoting:Charm Offensive
Well, that's half right. ;-)

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