Uh, no, in fact Linux is at the heart of "AI"

Story: Is Linux the only platform left to escape AI?Total Replies: 1
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Jun 11, 2024
1:20 PM EDT
Anywhere you find "AI" you find that Linux was a part. Just the way it is. With regards to the "fad and fashion", AI tooling is also already available in multiple application available on Linux distro desktops. So, I guess, "no escape".

With regards to "rights", remember Adobe's recent "update".... we lost the privacy war a long, long, long time ago when we agreed to give all our information to (effectively) everyone, every piece of data, every picture, every video and every word we utter (even we don't think we're near a source.... since we all carry our phones, and most are constantly listening).

Not saying that Linux isn't "better", but the vehicle for "AI" was built and put in place a long time ago and if you turn if off, you pretty much "disconnect". And most wouldn't survive that.

Jun 11, 2024
1:56 PM EDT
A lot of what they nowadays call "Hey Hi" is just the same old algorithms that merely do surveillance, data processing etc. This is no more exciting than "crypto "currency".

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