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The Most Exciting Linux 3.11 Kernel Features

With the Linux 3.11 kernel due to be released in the coming weeks, here's an overview of the most exciting changes for this next major Linux kernel update...

Intel contest encourages Yocto-based device designs

Intel kicked off a five month Yocto Project Innovation Challenge today, offering 254 prizes to developers who submit embedded Linux product or project ideas involving Yocto Project software running on Intel processors. Six types of prizes — ranging from $50 gift cards, to Yocto Project hoodies and blimps, to 480GB SSDs — will be awarded [...]

Forced Exposure

  • Groklaw; By pj (Posted by bob on Aug 20, 2013 10:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
The owner of Lavabit tells us that he's stopped using email and if we knew what he knew, we'd stop too. What to do? I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to figure it out. And the conclusion I've reached is that there is no way to continue doing Groklaw, not long term, which is incredibly sad.

Can there be open source music?

Open source software has come a long way since the moniker "open source" was first coined in 1998. The Cathedral and the Bazaar helped to explain this new paradigm of software production, and history has proven that the profound implications predicted by Raymond’s essay were not only credible, but now also obvious. And perhaps because of the open source software community’s awesome record of success, those who work outside the strict boundaries of software development have started to wonder: Are there new paradigms, based on open source principles, that could rock our world, too?

Window Maker, the Unity for Old Guys?

As I was diving back into Window Maker for this article, it occurred to me that the desktop manager I used for years with Debian is disturbingly similar to the Unity Desktop. It's been clear since its inception that I am not a fan of Ubuntu's new Unity interface, yet it's odd that for years I loved Window Maker, which seems fairly similar, at least visually.

Dev kit runs Linux on quad-core Cortex-A9 SoC

Direct Insight has launched a $200 development kit built around its Linux- and Android-ready Triton-TX6Q computer-on-module based on Freescale’s quad-core i.MX6Quad ARM Cortex-A9 system-on-chip. The kit combines the COM with a baseboard that adds an SD slot and connectors for Ethernet, dual USB, audio, serial ports, and optional capacitive touchscreens. U.K.-based Direct Insight announced the [...]

Unleash your team's potentional with Feng Office

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 19, 2013 2:25 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Feng Office's tag line is: Unleash your team's potential. It's an open source collaboration platform for teams and businesses that began as an academic project at UdelaR University. Interested students worked on the initial research and development, and today it remains an open source project.

Hacking on Tizen produces several apps

Fresh out of five days at OSCON and all the fun events around Portland that week, a group of devoted hackers came to our Tizen Devlab and Hack to check out Tizen‘s open source, HTML5-based mobile OS, which is being brought to the world by the Linux Foundation with support from Samsung and Intel.

Running Linux on a Windows PC: Your getting started guide

  • IT World; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Aug 18, 2013 2:36 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
So, you're finally considering giving Linux a try. It's about time! And it's really not as scary (or different) as you may think. The myth that you had to be some kind of computer guru to use Linux is utterly untrue. Today's top desktop Linux distributions, such as Mint, openSUSE, and Ubuntu are easier to use than Windows 8.

SATA v3.2 adds tiny, but very speedy, SSDs

The Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) has ratified the SATA 3.2 storage spec, adding support for a SATA Express spec that can piggyback on faster PCI Express lanes, and defined a new embedded single-chip microSSD. SATA 3.2 also embraces the tiny, SATA Express based M.2 form factor, which debuted in recent Intel and Samsung SSDs. [...]

Create LaTeX documents graphically with LyX

  • IBM developerWorks : Linux (Posted by bob on Aug 16, 2013 1:36 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM, Linux; Story Type: News Story
LyX is a graphical tool, with a familiar drop-down and content-driven menu system, for writing and editing LaTeX documents. TeX and its higher-level macro language, LaTeX, are powerful document markup languages that are the de facto standard for Linux users. New users can find them difficult to work with because you must know the available markup tags, the contexts they can be used in, and how to use a text editor and previewing tool. LyX simplifies the entire process of working with LaTeX documents not just on Linux. Learn how to install, use, and customize LyX on Linux, UNIX, Windows, and Mac OS X systems.

Do cloud right: Four critical steps to selecting the provider for you

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 16, 2013 12:39 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
When Edward Snowden leaked intelligence files, a storm was triggered in the cloud, leaving a path of destruction. Snowden’s email provider Lavabit shut down. So has the email offering of Silent Circle. The Guardian ran a story declaring: Lavabit’s closure marks the death of secure cloud computing in the U.S. And the EU is not entirely unaffected either. Be it by the Tempora program in the UK or the U.S. National Security Agency facilities that reportedly reside in Germany.

Weekly wrap-up: The Web in 20 years, Twitter buys open source school, and more

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 16, 2013 11:41 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Open source news this week: August 12 - 16, 2013 What other open source-related news stories did you read about this week? Share them with us in the comments section. Follow us on Twitter where we share these stories in real time.

Puppy Linux 5.6 Starts Playing With F2FS

Puppy Linux, the lightweight and speed-oriented Linux distribution based upon Slackware, has updated their "Slacko" release to version 5.6 and with Puppy Linux 5.6 comes full F2FS file-system support...

Overcoming HTML5's Limitations

  • Dr. Dobb's Open Source Articles (Posted by bob on Aug 14, 2013 12:04 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
HMTL5 is such a low-cost and portable alternative to native app development that it makes sense to explore solutions that address its limitations.

Free Parallella SBCs for university researchers

Adapteva announced a Parallella University Program (PUP) to provide free Parallella single board computers to universities engaged in parallel programming research. Last month Adapteva began limited shipments of its $99 open source Parallella SBC, which combines a Xilinx Zynq-7020 ARM/FPGA SoC, running Ubuntu, with a homegrown 16-core Epiphany coprocessor. Last October, Adapteva launched a Kickstarter [...]

Open source tools worth bookmarking

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 14, 2013 8:15 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
One of my favorite workshops to give is the one that introduces librarians and their staff to open source software. After defining open source to them and debunking all the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) out there, I focus my talk on a list of open source tools that can be useful to libraries.

Open source has won, let's look to the future

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 12, 2013 9:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
My nearly 11 minute keynote at OSCON 2013 this year, felt long enough when I gave it, but in terms of what I have to say about the future of open source, it wasn't even close. Here I expand on the lessons I've learned from other people working in open source, new technologies emerging in open source that haven't come of age yet, my passion for open source not being a Zero Sum game, and bringing open source to other parts of society and industry.

How open source took root in one Pennsylvania school district

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 12, 2013 7:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I’ve been working in educational technology for more than 17 years and have spent much of my career advocating for open source in schools. For years, open source in education has gotten a bad rap. Superintendents, school boards and teachers frequently misunderstood open source software to be synonymous with dubious code birthed by mad, degenerate "hackers" who spend dark nights scheming to unleash complex and nefarious plots for social disruption.

KDE Plasma Media Center 1.1 Up To RC Stage

  • Phoronix (Posted by bob on Aug 11, 2013 9:33 PM EDT)
  • Groups: KDE; Story Type: News Story
The first release candidate for KDE's Plasma Media Center 1.1 release is now available. Plasma Media Center supports viewing photographs, watching movies, and listening to music from one central KDE component...

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