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Learn about Virtual memory statistics using vmstat

We can use multiple tools to monitor system statistics, but if you are looking for virtual memory, use vmstat, which support numerous options and parameters.

How to Install and Use Telnet on Linux Systems

Telnet can perform a few things that can be very helpful for Linux network administrators, like testing the open port over the remote system for troubleshooting, which is not possible in SSH protocol.

Download Linux distributions from a terminal using the OSGET utility

The conventional method to download ISO is best when you have access to Graphical User Interface (GUI), but what to do when you just have a command-line interface?

How to install QPrompt as an alternative to Teleprompter

An outbreak of COVID-19 cases has changed the way of living life earlier, we used to go to our offices, colleges, schools, but now we shifted to a virtual environment. Now you attend your office meeting from the couch, children attending their school while taking a nap, and many untold stories of different domains. Qprompt is one of the teleprompter software available on all major platforms, including Android mobile, and most importantly, it is an open-source application.

How to upgrade Linux Kernel to 5.16 Release

With the latest release, many new generation Intel and AMD hardware support were added along with the CPU and GPU devices. AMD processor having uphand on this update by the benchmark test done by Phoronix. Except that the latest kernel is also available for ARM-based devices like Raspberry PI 4.

Date command usage in Linux

  • TREND OCEANS; By Gagan Mishra (Posted by trendoceangd on Jan 10, 2022 3:08 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
At first, the date command may seem like a simple utility to you, but once you try to execute the date command with different utilities, you will realize the real power.

A simple solution to the Private Key-Loss Conundrum

Statistically, over 10% of users forget or lose their passwords or private keys for encrypted data. This is not a big problem if there is a password or private key recovery option, but it becomes a disaster when there is no way to recover the lost or forgotten password or private key. According to cryptocurrency data firm Chainalysis, over three million bitcoins are considered lost due to forgotten passwords.

How to Reset Forgotten Root Password in Debian and Bedrock Linux

  • TREND OCEANS; By Gagan Mishra (Posted by trendoceangd on Jan 5, 2022 3:30 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Debian
Once you add a general user into the sudo group, then there is no need to use a root account for the administrative tasks. But due to some odd reason, you are not able to access your primary account?

In that case, the root account can be a savior. But unfortunately, you are not getting the root password too. Now the only way is to reset the root password.

Complete guide on Inode number in Linux with an examples

I’m going to ask you a question. What do you see when you pass the ls -l command? A list of files with a bunch of details like permission, number of files, file owner, group owner, size, date & time along with a file name, and more number of data can be accessed using different parameters, but have you ever imagined where all data get stored, and what we call for this data type?

How to resolve “.venv/bin/activate” is not executable by this user

Resolve .venv/bin/activate” is not executable by this user The actual command to activate virtual environment is “source venv/bin/activate” or ” . venv/bin/activate“, but a user may get confused in the case of a hidden directory.

I think it would be better if you see some of the example to clear your concept

How to Lock Keyboard on Linux & Windows

Have a pet who loves to mess with a keyboard like a playground? Actually, they love to write their love story! Aha, by bad. To be honest, we all are in the same circumstances, or some ignorant who do not belong to computer line, especially kids, love to finger in keyboard button. That’s how I found a tool that can disable/lock the keyboard’s working whenever pressing the shortcut key in series.

Debian/Ubuntu: Configure knockd on Server for Port Knocking

When I was young, my mother asked me not to open the door unless the door knocked in a series of four which was only known to us. I think you all have done in their childhood or later. That same concept I want to use in my Linux system, you are pondering what he is speaking? How and where will be a door on my system, and how to knock? I do not understand it; explain to me this abstract concept. Yes, I’m going to explain & implement all in a while with an exact scenario. After that, you can also configure knockd on the server and protect your system from intruders.

Snowfall on your Linux Desktop this Christmas

Let us make this Christmas special for you and more of your Linux desktop.

How to Install and Configure Mutt Command-Line Email Client

DevOps working on cloud infrastructure operating Linux server remotely don’t have any browser. In that case, they can set up Mutt on their server to send email without having any web browser. What is Mutt? Mutt is the best open-source terminal-based email client used to send/receive emails from the command line. While sending email uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), and for receiving, it uses both IMAP/POP protocols.

10 Reasons Why You Should Switch From Windows To Linux

Raise your hand if you have been experiencing countless Windows updates, virus attacks, malware, ransomware, being limited with everything, or just looking for some good options aside from Windows or Apple? If you’re out there looking for some answers, worry no more.

How to Filter log file entries based on date range in Linux

If you are facing difficulty while systematically reading log files. Then you are in the right place. Simple doing cat to read log file is a kind basic way to inspect log file. But when you want to filter data in an organized way based on time, then we use awk or grep. The awk is a popular command-line tool used to manipulate data in files and generate a report based on a given pattern in the Linux System. While grep is simple pattern tool that search pattern using a regular expression.

How to Compile and Run C Program in Centos Stream

If you have recently switched to the latest CentOS Stream from Windows and don’t know how to Install C in CentOS Stream, then buddy, you came to the right place. C programming language requires the compiler to run a program. Without a compiler, you will not be able to run the program file.

How to Install & Configure Android Studio on Linux | Ubuntu 20.04

Throughout this article, We will install Android Studio on Ubuntu 20.04. I believe this article will help for other Ubuntu versions, too, such as 18.04, 20.10 as well as other Ubuntu-based distributions like POP-OS, Linux Mint, Kubuntu, Elementary OS, and Zorin OS.

How to Create Symbolic or soft Link in Linux?

A symbolic link (or symlink) is a special type of file in Linux that contains a path to another file or directory. Basically, it is similar to a shortcut and is also known as a soft link. In this post, we’ll see how to create, verify, and remove symbolic links in Linux. First, let’s start with a basic introduction to links

How to Install Latest openSUSE TumbleWeed

The last month we have written a Complete guided article on How to Install Opensuse Leap 15.2; after that, we have received multiple requests for a Tumbleweed guide. opensuse Leap and opensuse Tumbleweed Installation are completely identical because both use the YAST2 installer. Once you know how to Install Tumbleweed, you can easily Install openSUSE Leap.

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