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4 Linux programs to open a Remote Desktop on Windows

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Feb 9, 2012 5:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups
It seem impossible for me to get rid of all the windows server that our company still has, some have custom software made years ago that no one want to touch, other have management console for Vmware or Cisco appliance..that run only on Windows or again some product relesed their software only for windows, so in short i still have to login sometime on a Windows server from my PC with Linux, so what’s the best way to do this? The best protocol to do this is RDP. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to another computer. But now back on Linux, let’s take a look at rdesktop, TSClient, Remmina e PAC

sdcv: command-line based Dictionary for Linux

We all need to look for word definition. Online dictionaries and wikipedia are great but we are not always connected to the net. sdcv is a console version of StarDict dictionary. Using sdcv you can search for definitions while still offline. So here are the step to install and make use of this great program.

Synergy! as many PCs as you like with just one keyboard and one mouse!

  •; By Giuseppe Sanna (Posted by linuxaria on Feb 4, 2012 12:44 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
If your desk is like mine: you have multiple PCs and Laptops spread over two square meters, but do not worry I have the solution for you! Install Synergy and you’ll just say goodbye, once and for all to the mess! This software, which I emphasize is cross-platform, allows you to control multiple PCs or laptops with just one mouse and one keyboard. Basically this software allows you to have two monitors on your desk and allow you to switch from the left monitor, to the second monitor just by moving the mouse out of the right border of the first one and vice versa. This sounds simple … but be aware that we are not talking about two monitors attached to the same PC, but two different PCs even with different OS such as Ubuntu and Windows.

The Best Filesystem for an external hard disk of 1TB with cross platform support.

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Feb 2, 2012 9:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups
Disks are becoming cheaper and so it’s becoming common to have on our desk an external (usually USB) hard drive with a size of 1TB or more.

Miro Internet TV: Internet TV for Ubuntu Desktop

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 31, 2012 2:03 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Miro, a new application for Internet video has been designed to be an easy app that will give users an amazing full-screen show. With over thousands of free videos that can be viewed from the Internet, Miro gives the user the ability to download all the chosen videos they enjoy as soon as they are released. Miro, first launched in 2005 then revamped in 2007 (it was first launched as Democracy Player), is written in Python. Miro has an embedded WebKit for Linux and(Mozilla Gecko/XUL until 3.0.2). With the updated version of 3.0, Miro offers GTK for new Windows and Linux systems.

A Fight between email clients. Here’s how to choose the one that best suits your needs and to your Linux box

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 29, 2012 7:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups
How many emails do you read daily? I bet more than a few dozen … Some people might have multiple accounts from the same provider, like Google, Yahoo and others … For those who maybe have two accounts scattered on Google, Hotmail and others and those who, like me, have some accounts of famous service providers and with some own domain account. In short, in any case this is … a mess!

Today we will see, in this How-To, how to choose the client that best suits your needs.

Redirect all (TCP) traffic through transparent socks5 proxy in Linux

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 28, 2012 8:03 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
SOCKet Secure (SOCKS) is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 additionally provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server. Practically, a SOCKS server will proxy TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address as well as providing a means for UDP packets to be forwarded.

As SOCKS (as it was already marked above) transfers all data from a client to a server, nothing adding from itself, from the point of view of a web-server, a socks proxy is a client. Therefore anonymity of this type of proxy servers is really always absolute.

In this article we’ll see how to use redsocks to achieve a SOCKS proxy.

Chrome and Chromium: small golden rules to get the perfect browser !

bet that when you turn on your PC, one of the first programs that you start is your Browser . Indeed, many say that the browser that we have installed in our computer show a part of us! There is, therefore, who prefer Opera: a browser elegant and very particular, for those who prefer the aesthetics at the practicality, there are those who, following the mass chose the Firefox browser, which has won a great battle against IE in a recent past. And finally there are those who prefer the speed, stability and efficiency, and they choose Google Chrome or Chromium !

Top five open source social networking platforms available in the market

  •; By Linux-news (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 27, 2012 9:12 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups
In this era of technology and internet, social networking sites are getting more and more popularity. People are spending hours in front of them. For creating a social media website a platform is necessary, to make this easy came the social networking platforms.

Let us now take a look of the five most popular open source-networking platforms available in the market

Explore large files with Rowscope

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 25, 2012 10:14 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Sometimes it happen that: for mistakes, because you don’t rotate your logs or perhaps they growth up really quickly, that you need to analyse a large file (> 1GB) for searching a specific pattern of text. Probably you’ll go nowhere if you try to open them with vi or worst with a graphical editor like Gedit or libreoffice, and if your resource are low you risk to use all the memory and put your linux box in hang. But don’t worry, like many things in Unix/Linux, there is a specific tool that can help you in this operation: Rowscope

Open Source Closed Door

It has been announced, across the pond, that IT analyst firm, Gartner Inc has now positioned Drupal Acquia in the Visionaries quadrant of both the 2011 Magic Quadrant for Externally Facing Social Software and the Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace, thereby raising Drupal’s visibility and promoting its accessibility amongst the top 10,000 global businesses.

XBMC!How to turn your Ubuntu into the Media Center of your Dreams.

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 23, 2012 4:12 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Do you have a nice TV or projector? You are in the right place. Today we will see how to make an incredible and surprising combination of a low-performance PCs and a nice TV or projector. Our goal is to turn that old PC into a fantastic Media Center, which will give you many possibilities. From the view of Film and/or video, to listen to music (excellent if you have connected a good sound system), an excellent way to show photographs and browse the web with a simple click .

Some time-saving tips that every Linux user should know

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 22, 2012 4:49 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Here is a selection of command-line tips that I’ve found useful when working on Linux. The emphasis is on somewhat less-known techniques that are generally important or useful to technical users. It’s a bit long, and users certainly don’t need to know all of them, but I’ve done my best to review that each item is worth reading in terms of projected time savings, if you use Linux heavily.

Nmap : The Pentester’s One Step Shop to Network Domination

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 19, 2012 5:38 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Nmap is one of the best security software in the world. It is free and open source. It is actively developed and new features and improvements are added to it on a daily basis. Originally, Nmap is a network portscanner. The tool has then been extended to perform service and OS identification. With the addition of the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) back in 2008, Nmap is today capable of performing vulnerability scanning and even exploitation.

Linux Games: No Gravity

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 17, 2012 11:02 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
No Gravity (classic) is a space arcade game with 5 game modes and it has very nice graphics, it is inspired by Wing Commander, a famous game of a few years ago that made ??history for the space shooter.

No Gravity runs on Windows, MacOS X, Linux, Amiga OS4, BeOS. It’s an arcade type game with great playability, where it is easy to plunge into space battles against spacefighters, space stations and more !

Open source writing tools

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 15, 2012 2:39 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups
There has been an impressive change in tools and techniques which writers can use for the good. It is easy to locate one (or more) for individual needs. Whether it is writing a novel, graphics applications or tutorials, these writing tools can serve multipurpose. Writing skills can gain unmatched dimensions on integrating with these advanced techniques. Your love for writing can potentially experience a boost by adapting with the modern applications. You can search one and get many on the internet.

Some of the potentially able writing tools have been summarized here.

How to make coffee through Linux Application

Ever get the urge to build something, and wonder, “How can I make a homemade coffee roaster?” Well, thankfully for us, someone has already thought up the basics. But, then there’s that small question in the back of our brains, “Can I make my Linux laptop control the homemade roaster?” Surprise, surprise! Someone thought that up to, and has put their version public so the technological inclined coffee drinkers can have something to do during winter break.

Freezy Linux – A Retro Distro

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 10, 2012 5:52 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Some people don’t like the way Ubuntu’s user interface has changed in recent versions, and a person from Rome, known as lucazade in the Ubuntu Forums, has done something about it. The Italian has produced a distro called FreezyLinux. It’s based on Ubuntu 11.10 and Gnome 3.2.

As I am writing this, it’s still classified as a beta. It’s too big for a CD, but might fit on a 1 GB flash drive.

PAC Manager: All your Connection are belong to us

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 10, 2012 2:40 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
If you manage remote machines you have for sure some way to connect to them, to connect to Unix machines I’m used to open a terminal with my favorite terminal emulator (Terminator in these days), and from there ssh to other servers, for Windows RDP protocol as client i use Remmina (perhaps i’ll talk of it in a future article) and for FTP and SFTP i use Filezilla, but i’ve found recently another interesting software that could change my habitudes: PAC Manager, where PAC stand for Perl/Gtk approach to connections managing.

opensource Asset Managment software : Uranos

  •; By Linux-news (Posted by linuxaria on Jan 7, 2012 3:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
In the 3 former articles of this series we have saw OCSInventory, Fusion Inventory and GLPI 3 software that can create an asset inventory with your computers hardware and software.

Today we’ll take a look at another software: Uranos (Unattended Resolution in A Nutshell – OS).

Unattended Resolution in A Nutshell – OS is an open source software that will let you perform Asset Managment, Monitoring, Software Distribution,Unattended tasks. It’s free for both personal and commercial use and released under GPL license.

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