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Toorox 01.2013 KDE Screenshot Tour

Toorox 01.2013 'KDE' has been finished and you can download it as 32-bit or 64-bit image. This release is based on the latest Linux kernel 3.7.1. All packages have been updated. KDE has been updated to the latest version, 4.9.4. The release also contains X.Org Server 1.13.0, LibreOffice, Chromium 24.0.1312.45, VLC 2.0.5, WINE 1.5.20, GIMP 2.8.2. With this release, Toorox makes use of UUIDs instead of simple device names in the fstab file. So a ramdisk (initramfs) is now necessary after the installation for booting the system from hard disk. The hard disk installer has been enhanced as to that. Have fun with Toorox.

Broletto - Piazza Loggia 2012 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 29, 2012 1:36 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Broletto - Piazza Loggia 2012 is available. Broletto GNU/Linux is an Italian Debian-based distribution featuring the LXDE desktop.

Mateu 12.10 Alpha 3 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 28, 2012 4:59 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Mateu 12.10 Alpha 3 is available. Mateu is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution featuring the MATE desktop.

Manjaro 0.8.3 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 26, 2012 1:12 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Manjaro Linux 0.8.3 has been unleashed. The core system has been upgraded to boost performance and responsiveness, resulting in even faster start-up, shut-down, and operational speeds. The official Manjaro repositories have been transformed with an abundance of updated and brand-new packages. Many software packages themselves have been exclusively patched by the Manjaro team for stability. Accessibility has also been enhanced. New user-friendly desktop tools have been added to easily manage user accounts and to configure the system.

Jibbed 6.0 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 26, 2012 1:48 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Announcing Jibbed 6.0. The new version of the live CD is ready for download. A novelty is that this release contains only an image for 64-bit systems (amd64). Everything else remains the same. Jibbed is a bootable live CD based on the NetBSD operating system that works directly from a CD without the need for a hard drive. Automatic hardware detection provides support for a wide variety of graphics cards, sound cards, network interfaces, and USB devices. This live CD showcases a complete NetBSD environment, including compiler sets, and provides features like tmpfs to simulate read-write access on read-only media. The capabilities range from use by experts as a rescue environment to first-time users learning UNIX.

Netrunner 12.12 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 24, 2012 10:42 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Netrunner 'Dryland' third edition (version 12.12) has arrived. It is based on Kubuntu 12.10 and comes with the following features: GNU/Linux OS kernel 3.5, KDE 4.9.3, Mozilla Firefox 17 with KDE integration, Mozilla Thunderbird 17, VLC 2.0.4, LibreOffice 3.6.2, GIMP 2.8, Krita 2.5.3, Gwenview 4.9.3, Skype 4.1, Kdenlive 0.9.2, Telepathy Messenger, Samba Mounter (easy NAS setup), Webaccounts (social accounts integration), Runners-ID (free and libre cloud storage and music streaming), Muon Discover 1.4, VirtualBox 4.1.18, WINE 1.5.19, and much more.

Wifislax 4.3 Screenshot Tour

Wifislax 4.3 has been released. Wifislax is a Slackware-based live CD containing a variety of security and forensics tools. The current release has been in development for six months, during which time the product underwent significant improvements in terms of system scripts, clean-up and hard disk installation. Wifislax also boasts an impressive range of WiFi utilities and drivers. The live system offers a choice of three different desktops - KDE 4 (the default), Xfce and Openbox, and it provides a choice between standard and PAE kernels. The Linux kernel is at version 3.5.7, well tested for support of the included wireless network card drivers. Additionally, the project develops a number of extra modules (in XZM format) that can extend the system capabilities as desired.

Gentoo 20121221 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 22, 2012 11:52 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Gentoo, Linux
Gentoo Linux is proud to announce the availability of a new live DVD to celebrate the continued collaboration between Gentoo users and developers, ready to rock the end of the world (or at least southern solstice). The live DVD features a superb list of packages: Linux kernel 3.6.8, X.Org Server 1.12.4, KDE 4.9.4, GNOME 3.4.2, Xfce 4.10, Fluxbox 1.3.2, Firefox 17.0.1, LibreOffice 3.6.4, GIMP 2.8.2, Blender 2.64a, Amarok 2.6.0, MPlayer 2.2.0, Chromium 24.0.1312.35 and much more. There is no new FAQ or artwork the 20121221 release, but you can still get the 12.0 artwork plus DVD cases and covers for the 12.0 release. Special features: ZFSOnLinux; writable file systems using Aufs so you can emerge new packages.

Zentyal 3.0-1 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 21, 2012 9:41 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
We are glad to let you know that a new Zentyal 3.0-1 installer is now available. This installer includes a new compilation of packages with all the bug fixes and Ubuntu system updates since the release of the first 3.0 installer. Moreover, we would like to highlight the following: this installer already includes the final Samba 4.0.0 package; it comes with improved UTF-8 support - this is specially useful for those who are not using Zentyal in English, but please note that if you are already experiencing issues with UTF-8, upgrading may not be enough and probably you need to re-install the server in order to fix them; this installer also allows to introduce your Zentyal account credentials from the beginning of the installation to automatically register your server.

PC-BSD 9.1 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 20, 2012 8:38 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce that version 9.1 is now available. This release includes many exciting new features and enhancements, such as a vastly improved system installer, ZFS 'Boot Environment' support, TrueOS (a FreeBSD-based server with additional power-user utilities), and much more. Highlights: FreeBSD 9.1; new system installer, greatly simplified for desktop and server installs; support for ZFS mirror during installation; support for SWAP on ZFS, allowing entire disk ZFS installation; support for setting additional ZFS data-set options, such as compression, noexec;

Emmabuntus2 1.03 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 19, 2012 12:41 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Emmabuntus2 1.03 is available. Emmabuntus is a desktop Linux distribution based on Xubuntu. It strives to be beginner-friendly and reasonably light on resources so that it can be used on older computers. It also includes many modern features, such as large number of pre-configured programs for everyday use, dockbar for launching applications, easy installation of non-free software and media codecs, and quick setup through automated scripts. The distribution supports English, French and Spanish languages.

DBLabLite 12.04 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 18, 2012 6:44 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
DBLabLite 12.04 has been released. DBLab is an desktop Linux distribution incorporating features from Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Zorin OS, Pear Linux and Lubuntu and available in GNOME 3, Cinnamon and Openbox flavours.

LuninuX OS 12.10 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 12, 2012 7:04 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
It has been a long long long journey but we have made progress. The task to improve already good quality does not mean stop when it's good enough, it simply means make it better and with the release of LuninuX OS 12.10 'Quite Quail', you will see how much better it has been made. Some of the major changes are Opera as the default web browser with privacy plugins, boxes for virtual machines, OpenJDK and many more. You can download the release on the download page and as an option to purchase a USB/DVD media that will be mailed to you.

Toorox 11.2012 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 12, 2012 9:22 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
A new version of the GNOME edition of Toorox is finished and is ready for download. It is based on the Linux kernel 3.5.7. This edition now provides support for 11 languages. It contains the latest GNOME 3.6.2, X.Org Server 1.12.4, Mesa 9.0.1, LibreOffice, GIMP 2.8.2, Wine 1.5.17 and the Chromium 24.0.1312.14 web browser. All packages have been updated. Toorox 11.2012 is available as 32-bit and 64-bit images and can be burnt on DVD, but you can also create an USB pen drive from the image file. The following applications have been tested successfully: Linux Live USB Creator and UNetbootin.

ComFusion 4.1 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 9, 2012 6:06 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Now available for download, the new version of Comfusion. New in this version: added full MATE desktop 1.4.2 (GNOME 2 desktop clone, seamlessly integrates with Compiz in Comfusion 4); added wbar with Token icons, individualized for each session; wbarconf, wbar configurator; TvenLinux, a script to view our online TV on Linux, also able to show programming; updated the Skype installer to install the latest version; Picapy, an excellent image manager for Picasa Web; Darktable, a free alternative to Adobe Lightroom for Comfusion 4; Launchy, a simple application launcher for Comfusion 4; Angry Bots, a shooter game with a new game engine Unity3D; added Apt-Fast, faster downloads; added Xscroll Overlays, a modern bar like in the latest Ubuntu.

ZevenOS 5.0 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 6, 2012 5:19 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
I am proud to announce the release of ZevenOS 5.0 and thank you all for funding this release. In this release we made the switch from our deskbar tool to the Xfce panel 'deskbar' mode which introduces many new features, like extensible plugin support and the ability to configure your desktop. This release is based on Xubuntu 12.10 and is compatible with the Ubuntu repositories; it brings in many changes, such as Linux kernel 3.5, X.Org 7.7 and PulseAudio 2.1. Changes: OpenShot 1.4.3 with YouTube upload support and a lot more features; AbiWord 2.9.2, the current edge of development; Audacity 2.0, Claws-Mail 3.8.1, Firefox 17, GIMP 2.8, Inkscape 0.48.

Puppy 5.4 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 5, 2012 10:47 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
It's out! Slacko is one of our flagship puppies, built with the latest Woof from Slackware 14.0 binary packages. It is all-puppy right through, with the advantage of binary compatibility with Slackware 14.0 and access to the Slackware package repositories. Changes: significant improvements in using the Aufs layered file system; improved automatic detection and configuration of analog and 3G modems; Samba printing issues resolved; the X.Org wizard has improved detection and configuration options.

Vast 3.1 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Dec 3, 2012 8:44 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Vast 3.1 is available. VIPER VAST Live is a security-oriented live distribution that contains VIPER-developed tools, essential VoIP security utilities, and penetration testing software. Based on Ubuntu.

Tails 0.15 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Nov 30, 2012 10:46 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
Tails, The Amnesic Incognito Live System, version 0.15, is out. All users must upgrade as soon as possible. Changes: Tor upgrade to Major new features: persistence for browser bookmarks; support for obfsproxy bridges. Minor improvements: add the Hangul (Korean) Input Method Engine for SCIM; preliminary support for some OpenPGP SmartCard readers; support printers that need HPIJS PPD and/or the IJS driver; optimize fonts display for LCD; update TrueCrypt to version 7.1a.

Sahalana 1 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Nov 28, 2012 3:52 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Sahalana 1 is available. Sahalana Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution, developed in Sri Lanka, with the goal of facilitating effective use of information and communication technologies by civil society organisations throughout the country.

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