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Epidemic 4.0 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 16, 2012 12:26 PM EDT)
  • Groups: KDE, Linux
Version 4.0 of Epidemic GNU/Linux has been released. Epidemic is a Debian-based Brazilian desktop Linux distribution featuring the KDE desktop and a number of user-friendly enhancements. Some of the custom applications in this 64-bit only release include: eMod - a graphical utility for creating a custom build of Epidemic; eUpgrade - a graphical tool designed to perform a full system upgrade; eKwin - an application which allows single-click enabling or disabling of KWin effects; Einstaller - the distribution's intuitive system installer. The release also comes with newly added support for German (besides Portuguese, English and Spanish); new user manual; an integrated theme for GRUB, Plymouth, KDM and KSplash; Linux kernel 3.2.23.

Sabayon Linux 10 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 16, 2012 2:54 AM EDT)
  • Groups: KDE, Linux
We're once again here to announce the immediate availability of Sabayon Linux 10 in all of its tier 1 flavours. If you really enjoyed Sabayon 9, this is just another step towards world domination. Linux Kernel 3.5.4 with BFQ iosched, GNOME 3.4.2, KDE 4.9 (4.9.1 available in a few days), Xfce 4.10 and LibreOffice 3.6 are just some of the things you will find inside the box. Gentoo hardened kernels, improved Rigo - a new way of browsing and installing applications, more ZFS integration work, Mesa 9 stack, Amazon EC2 support, Infinality FreeType patches, and much more.

JonDo Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 13, 2012 2:58 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
JonDo is released! JonDo Live-CD offers a secure, pre-configured environment for anonymous surfing and more. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux. The live system contains proxy clients for JonDonym, Tor, I2P and the remailer Mixmaster and Mixminion. Firefox is pre-configured for anonymous web surfing, Thunderbird with Enigmail for e-mails, Pidgin for anonymous instant messaging and chats, VLC media player, Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit for cleaning documents and images and more application are part of the live-cd.

Mozillux 12.09.1 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 12, 2012 9:30 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Mozillux 12.09.1 is released. Mozillux is a live Linux distribution designed to provide Mozilla software, such as Firefox and Thunderbird, to the end user without requiring any installation.

Manjaro 0.8.0 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 11, 2012 10:45 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
We are proud to announce our default Manjaro edition featuring Xfce 4.10, Linux kernel 3.4.9, X.Org 7.6 with X.Org Server 1.12.3 and GCC 4.7.1. Manjaro Linux targets beginners and advanced users at the same time. We provide user interface tools and scripts to make life easier. Manjaro supports NVIDIA's Optimus technology out of the box. You can choose between Nouveau/Intel or NVIDIA/Intel drivers combination. Manjaro hardware detection tool will configure your graphic cards automatically and with help of Bumblebee bbswitch it is possible to switch to your desired graphic mode.

KNOPPIX 7.0.4 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 10, 2012 8:51 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Version 7.0.4 of KNOPPIX is based on the usual picks from Debian 'stable' and newer desktop packages from Debian 'testing' and Debian 'unstable'. It uses Linux kernel 3.4.9 and X.Org 7.7 (core 1.12.3) for supporting current computer hardware. Optional 64-bit Linux kernel via boot option 'knoppix64'; bug-fix update for 7.0.3 - the APT database now contains all necessary data in order to directly install software via Synaptic; LibreOffice 3.5.4, Chromium 21.0.1180.75 and Iceweasel 10.0.6; LXDE (default) with PCManFM 1.0 file manager, KDE 4.7.4, GNOME 3.4.

BlankOn 8.0 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 10, 2012 12:26 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
The BlankOn development team has announced the release of BlankOn 8.0, a Debian-based Indonesian distribution featuring the GNOME 3 desktop with a custom desktop shell called "Manokwari". Built with HTML 5 and CSS 3, Manokwari is an evolution from the project's earlier shell called "BlankOn Panel"; it features a standard panel with a number of common applets, as well as a comprehensive menu system for quick access to applications and utilities. Other features of this release include a new DVD edition with extra software (a CD edition is also available), support for six languages used in Indonesia, Stardict dictionary, the Chromium web browser version 21, and an online package repository developed specifically for BlankOn.

Kiwi 12.08 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 8, 2012 12:45 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
After exactly two years of neglect I released a new version of the Ubuntu remix with Romanian, Hungarian, German and English languages included by default. It is based on Ubuntu 12.04.1, and keeping in line with the traditional goals of the project, it targets Linux newbies who find some of the standard Ubuntu applications lacking or who are taken aback by anything too unfamiliar. It also targets lazy people who would otherwise change about the same things on a vanilla Ubuntu install. So it features the Classic GNOME 2 desktop, Chromium, VLC, Pidgin, Flash, multimedia codecs and the rar and p7zip archive format handlers.

OS4 1.0 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 6, 2012 11:13 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Xfce
We are proud to announce the general availability of OS4 OpenDesktop 1.0. OS4 OpenDesktop is a 32-bit offering that runs on all legacy 32-bit hardware as well as the newer ultrabooks and netbooks. With this release we focus on mobility and cloud computing. Along with this release the system comes with Audacious, Totem, and Google Chrome. Some of the web applications that come bundled with the system are: Angry Birds, Pandora, Netflix, Flixter, GMail and offline GMail, Google Drive, eBuddy, Weather Channel, Google Books, Google Music, Google Calendar, New York Times, Hotmail and WebCam toy.

Descent|OS 3.0 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 3, 2012 9:35 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
I am pleased to announce that Descent|OS 3 is officially available for download. It is 32-bit only for now, but the PAE kernel is supported after install. In terms of cosmetics, Qt now looks right, and all the packages have been updated. The MATE desktop has been great to work with, and it is stable. It uses the 3.2 series kernel, and is based on Ubuntu 12.04. All the packages have been updated since the release candidate, and it behaves just the way I want it to. I have included a Beginner's Guide for new people to learn how to use Synaptic and the custom keyboard shortcuts.

Liberte Linux 2012.3 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Sep 2, 2012 5:23 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Liberté Linux is a secure, reliable, lightweight and easy-to-use Gentoo-based live medium with the primary purpose of enabling anyone to communicate safely and covertly in hostile environments. In this release (notable user-visible changes): Linux kernel 3.4.7 with better hardware support (e.g., brcmsmac) and UnionFS replaced by OverlayFS, which is expected to be eventually accepted into mainline; EFI boot binaries are signed for Secure Boot (tested in OVMF), establishing a trusted boot chain starting with a KEK / DB certificate (located in EFI directory); X.Org Server 1.12 and Mesa 8.0 with Gallium3D for Radeon cards, nouveau driver for NVIDIA cards, and more.

BackTrack 5 R3 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 14, 2012 11:51 PM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
The time has come to refresh our security tool arsenal - BackTrack 5 R3 has been released. R3 focuses on bug fixes as well as the addition of over 60 new tools – several of which were released in BlackHat and Defcon 2012. A whole new tool category was populated - 'Physical Exploitation', which now includes tools such as the Arduino IDE and libraries, as well as the Kautilya Teensy payload collection. Together with our usual KDE and GNOME, 32/64-bit ISO images, we have released a single VMware Image (GNOME, 32-bit).

ROSA 2012 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 10, 2012 1:49 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
ROSA Marathon 2012 GNOME Edition is a community-driven release with the GNOME 2.32 on the board. This release is intended for people who have not powerful machines, but do not want to use LXDE, or for people who do not want use GNOME 3. Software included: Linux kernel 3.0.38 with the latest security fixes; GNOME 2.32 software pack with the GDM 2.20 and original ROSA theme; Chromium browser 21; LibreOffice 3.4.5 LTS; ROSA Media Player 1.0; Pidgin 2.10; FBreader; GIMP 2.6; EasyTag; Cantarell font used by default.

Toorox 08.2012 Xfce Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 9, 2012 10:45 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Xfce
This release is based on Linux kernel 3.3.8-gentoo and contains the latest Xfce desktop environment, version 4.10. Compiz has been built into the Xfce edition for a little bit eye candy. The default applications for web and mail are now Chromium and Claws-Mail. All packages have been updated: X.Org Server 1.12.3, Mesa 8.0.4, Chromium 21.0.1180.55, GIMP 2.8.0, Audacious 3.3, Wine 1.5.9, LibreOffice Toorox 08.2012 'Xfce' and 'Lite' now support 11 languages.

Voyager 12.04 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 8, 2012 5:16 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Xfce
Voyager 12.04 is released. Voyager Live is an Xubuntu-based distribution and live DVD showcasing the Xfce desktop environment. Its features include the Avant Window Navigator or AWN (a dock-like navigation bar), Conky (a program which displays useful information on the desktop), and over 300 photographs and animations that can be used as desktop backgrounds.

PoliArch 12.05 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 7, 2012 1:26 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Xfce
PoliArch 12.05 is released. PoliArch is an Italian distribution and live CD featuring a number of system rescue and data recovery tools. It is based on Arch Linux.

Bridge 2012.8 Xfce Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 5, 2012 7:46 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Xfce
Bridge 2012.8 is out. It was requested a lot, and now it's here: GRUB 2 is the default bootloader in Bridge Linux 2012.8. There are a few notes about this - first, the bootloader install should detect all operating systems on the system, but it will change the root kernel parameter of Arch installs with a vanilla kernel. There are quite a few changes: fixed the /etc/hosts file; fixed the Xfce X respawn error; fixed some mkinitcpio issues; fixed the installer; added French and Turkish language support in the installer.

Stella 6.3 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 3, 2012 7:54 PM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
This is more an issue of incrementing the numbers since people running Stella have already received the updates from CentOS 6.3. So, what's new in your favourite EL-based remix? Updated multimedia stack - new FFmpeg (0.10.4), MPlayer (1.0svn) and VLC (2.0.3); updated in nux-dextop repository - Clipgrab, Minitube, Audacity 2.0; new inclusions in nux-dextop repository -Megamario (SuperMario clone), Geeqie, Mumble suite, Phantomjs, Tarsnap and SCrypt. Also, as a bit of a news, is now indexing my repositories; as such, searching for EL6 RPMs might give you results from

Kororaa 17 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 2, 2012 11:19 PM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, KDE, Linux
Derived from Fedora 17, this release comes with the usual Kororaa extras out of the box, such as: tweaked KDE and GNOME base systems; experimental support for Cinnamon desktop in GNOME; third party repositories (Adobe, Chrome, RPMFusion, VirtualBox); Firefox as the default web browser (with integration theme for KDE); instant messaging client (Kopete for KDE, Empathy for GNOME); micro-blogging client (Choqok for KDE, Gwibber for GNOME); full multimedia support; Adobe Flash plugin installable via package manager; and more.

Vine 6.1 Screenshot Tour

  • (Posted by lqsh on Aug 2, 2012 1:54 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
This release, code-named "Pape Clement", comes after about a year of development and includes the following software applications and features: Linux kernel 3.0.38 with long-term support; Mozilla Firefox 14.0.1 and Thunderbird 14.0; X.Org Intel driver with support for Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge microarchitectures; LibreOffice 3.5.5; Adobe Flash Player 11.2 and Adobe Reader 9.4; OpenJDK 1.6 runtime; MPlus Outline and Aoyagi fonts; all errata notices since the release of Vine Linux 6.0.

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