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Fedora 'Spherical Cow' delayed by bugs, Secure Boot

Release pushed back until 2013 Delays continue to plague development of the popular Fedora Linux distribution, with Fedora 18's original November ship date now pushed back to January 2013 at the earliest.…

The Z-Factor: Meet the Simon Cowell of Linux

Canonical chief Mark Shuttleworth - a friend and my former boss at Canonical - has never had much love for rival Linux vendor Red Hat. So when he labelled Red Hat Enterprise Linux "legacy" technology during his keynote at LinuxCon in Barcelona, Spain, this week, aligning it with Solaris' faded glory, it was perhaps not surprising.

Two Years Later, Ubuntu Isn't Running On Wayland

I realized this morning that this week marks two years since Mark Shuttleworth shared his plans for Ubuntu's Unity to run on Wayland. Even after two years, Ubuntu's engagement with Wayland hasn't advanced much and it's consummation of Wayland is still likely at a minimum another year out...

DIY Fair for inventors, crafters, and makers in nation's capital

The maker movement is gathering steam around the nation and around the world. To help bring makers and DIY enthusiasts together in the Washington D.C. area, the D.C. Public Libraries has announced a free DIY Fair that will be taking place in the Great Hall of Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library—located at 901 G St, NW, in downtown. The event will be held on Saturday, November 17th from 10am to 3pm and on Sunday, November 18th from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

GNOME 3.8 Is Dropping Its Fallback Mode

Matthias Clasen on the behalf of the GNOME Release Team has announced that they have decided to eliminate GNOME's "fallback mode" with the upcoming 3.8 release that allowed a "GNOME classic" mode that didn't depend upon OpenGL/3D rendering and was more like the GNOME2 traitional desktop...

Security issue discovered in TOR client - Update

The traffic anonymisation tool TOR can leave confidential data like passwords in the system memory due to usage of a function that is not always used by all compilers

Beer: The open source beverage of choice

Beer is truly the most democratic, egalitarian, and open source of all beverages. It is for both common folk and connoisseurs. It is for the masses. And, from my experience as a homebrewer and beer geek, you will rarely find a beverage that can be so liberating (in more ways than one).

No Thanks, ALK - the Google Lady Is My Copilot

I've gone a bit mad for smartphone GPS and everything that goes with it, including back country topo maps, tablet mounts and in-car mode screen assistant widgets. If you've been reading some of my TechNewsWorld and LinuxInsider columns lately, you already know that. I've also been kitting out my phone with some highly sophisticated GPS tools and getting good results.

Building a big tent for teaching the web

Mozilla, Nesta and Nominet Trust announce new digital literacy partnership in the UK ? Today, on the eve of the Mozilla Festival in London, Mozilla is proud to announce a new partnership aimed at spreading digital literacy in the UK. … Continue reading

The GPL self-destruct mechanism that is killing Linux

Festering hacks, endlessly copied and pasted - thanks Eric! Analysis Does one of the biggest-ever revolutions in software, open source, contain the seeds of its own decay and destruction?…

Android port of Qt contributed to Qt Project

Digia has announced the contribution of the Necessitas project's code to a Qt Project effort to bring Qt 5 for Android to developers in 2013, which should enable Qt to reach one of the most popular mobile platforms currently available

Qt Creator 2.6.0 introduces Kits

Version 2.6.0 of the cross-platform IDE replaces Targets with Kits, allowing users to easily bundle various settings. It also adds experimental support for Android and drops support for Symbian

Security issue discovered in TOR client

The traffic anonymisation tool TOR can leave confidential data like passwords in the system memory due to usage of a function that is not always used by all compilers

ending the cults of personality in free software

Free software has a history of creating and supporting cults of personality. Since it is a widespread human phenomenon, it is easy to understand how this happens. It is, however, unhelpful and destructive and we really ought to actively discourage it, starting by putting aside the current cults.

The most recent, though certainly not the only example, of this retrograde behavior was seen when Linus Torvalds started posting on Google+ about his recent sampling of various Free software desktop options.

Fedora 18 slips into next year

More delays for the Fedora 18 beta pushes the planned final release date into next year as the reworked installation and upgrade system continues to cause problems

Linaro, ARM and the Road to Total Linux Domination

Well it seems like the dust may finally be settling here in the Linux blogosphere, and Linux Girl is fervently hoping for some long-overdue rest. We endured the launch of Rectangle with Rounded Corners 5; we patiently listened to the endless blaring fanfare surrounding Windows 8's debut. Is there no end to the autumnal excitement?

Open Recall: Snowlinux 3, KDE 4.9.3, RISC OS

This edition looks at the latest release of the Ubuntu-based Snowlinux distribution, the recent update to KDE SC, RISC OS for the Raspberry Pi mini-computer, and updates to SystemRescueCd

It's Time To Test Out GNOME 3.6

Fedora is running a GNOME test-day today to help sort out any remaining GNOME 3.6 desktop issues and they have kindly requested your help...

Qt Creator 2.6 Development Environment Released

Digia has announced the official release of Qt Creator 2.6.0...

Linux distributions come in every flavor

What version of Linux do you use? CentOS Debian Fedora Mageia Mint openSuse Ubuntu Linux distributions are operating systems for desktops, servers, laptops, netbooks, mobile phones, and tablets (and some minimal environments). These poll choices are only a few of the many different ones out there. Specifically, they rank among the top ten on DistroWatch (over the last 12 months).

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