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Permanently add a directory to shell PATH on Linux

  •; By Luke Reynolds (Posted by LinuxCareer on Oct 13, 2021 1:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
When you type a command into a Linux terminal, what’s really happening is that a program is being executed. Normally, to execute a custom program or script, we need to use its full path, such as /path/to/ or just ./ if we’re already in its residing directory. Alternatively, we can execute a lot of commands without specifying paths, like uptime or date, etc.

How to configure shared VirtualBox folder on Linux

After installing a Linux distro into a VirtualBox virtual machine, you may be wondering how to share files between the host operating syste and the virtual machine itself. One of the easiest and most convenient ways to provide this function is by setting up a VirtualBox shared folder.

Basic Linux Kernel module administration commands

The kernel of a Linux system is the core that everything else in the operating system relies on. The functionality of the kernel can be extended by adding modules to it. As such, a user can fine tune their kernel settings by enabling or disabling modules. This level of granular control is one of the many reasons why users love Linux in the first place.

How to detect whether a physical cable is connected to network card slot on Linux

  •; By Luke Reynolds (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jul 21, 2021 8:03 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
If you've ever needed to know whether a physical cable is connected to a network port on your Linux system, you don't necessarily need to be right in front of the computer or server to look and see. There are several methods we can use from the Linux command line in order to see if a cable is plugged into a network slot.

Data recovery of deleted files from the FAT filesystem

  •; By Luke Reynolds (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jul 13, 2021 8:03 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Although FAT32 or FAT16 are very old file systems, which is reflected in their poor performance in comparison to other file system alternatives, they are still widely used by many electronic devices. Usually, these devices include USB sticks, digital cameras, camcorders and other peripheral storage devices.

How to Create an Integrated Application Launcher For an Appimage file in Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a custom application launcher for an appimage in the Gnome Desktop Environment in Ubuntu. Although we are focusing on Ubuntu for this tutorial, this method should also work in other distributions that use the Gnome Desktop Environment and may also be useful reading for those using other Desktop Environments as some parts are still applicable.

How to query packages information with the rpm package manager

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jul 5, 2021 7:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
RPM is the recursive acronym for RPM Package Manager: it is the default low level package manager in some of the most famous and most used Linux distributions, such as Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, OpenSUSE and their derivatives.

What is DHCP and how to configure DHCP server in Linux

  •; By Luke Reynolds (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jul 2, 2021 1:43 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
DHCP is a networking protocol used to assign IP addresses to networked devices. In this guide, we'll introduce you to the protocol and explain how it works. You'll also see how to implement a DHCP server on Linux systems, and configure it for your own network.

Configuring VNC Server Access on a Redhat Linux

Most of the time as a Linux system administrator you are managing your servers over the network. It is very rare that you will need to have a physical access to any of your managed servers. In most cases all you need is to SSH remotely to do your administration tasks. In this article we will configure a GUI alternative to a remote access to your RHEL server, which is VNC. VNC allows you to open a remote GUI session to your server and thus providing you with a full graphical interface accessible from any remote location.

How to configure NFS on Linux

  •; By Luke Reynolds (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jun 19, 2021 9:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Sharing files between computers and servers is an essential networking task. Thankfully, NFS (Network File System) is available for Linux systems and makes the job extremely easy. With NFS properly configured, moving files between computers is as easy as moving files around on the same machine. Since NFS functionality is built directly into the Linux kernel, it is both powerful and available on every Linux distro, although the configuration can differ slightly between them.

How to edit a system file with sudoedit preserving the invoking user environment

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jun 18, 2021 10:16 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
On Linux and other Unix-based operating systems, sudo is used to run a program with the privileges of another user, often root. When we need to modify a file which requires administrative privileges to be edited, if we launch our favorite text editor directly with sudo, it will run without the customization and settings we use when we invoke it normally, since the environment of the invoking user is not preserved.

Get Started with Android application development using Linux and Android SDK

Developers interested in the Android mobile operating system are able to use the Android SDK and various IDE software to code applications. These apps can then be made available and marketed to Android users around the world.

Squid proxy configuration tutorial on Linux

  •; By Korbin Brown (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jun 14, 2021 11:12 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Squid is a robust proxy server that supports caching for protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, and http://FTP. It has the ability to speed up web requests by caching frequently accessed websites, and serving that cache to requesting clients. This is a great way for networks to reduce bandwidth consumption and provide snappier response times for web browsing.

How to manage dynamic virtual hosts with Apache and the mod_vhost_alias module

The Apache web server has the ability to serve multiple websites from the same IP address, using virtual hosts. Each Virtual Host can be configured in the main server configuration file, or, thanks to the Include or the IncludeOptional directives, in its own dedicated one. When the number of virtual hosts increases, their management starts to become troublesome. If their configuration is quite similar, we can manage them dynamically, thanks to the mod_vhost_alias module. In this tutorial we will see how to do it.

Introduction to Ranger file manager

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jun 11, 2021 12:36 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Ranger is a free and open source file manager written in Python. It is designed to work from the command line and its keybindings are inspired by the Vim text editor. The application has a lot of features and, working together with other utilities, can display previews for a vast range of files. In this tutorial we learn how to use it, and explore some of its functionality.

Ansible tutorial for beginners on Linux

A system administrator, in the vast majority of cases, has to take care of more than one server, so he often has to perform repetitive tasks on all of them. In these cases automation is a must. Ansible is an open source software owned by Red Hat; it is written in the Python programming lanaguage, and it is a provisioning and configuration management software which help us in the aforementioned cases.

How to work with dnf package groups

Dnf is the default high-level package manager in the Red Hat family of distributions, which includes Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and all its clones. It is the successor of Yum, and indeed using the yum command in recent versions of the distributions mentioned above, is just another way to call dnf. Dnf has a lot of nice features and plugins which help us install, update and remove software packaged in the “.rpm” format. In this tutorial we explore dnf package groups and learn how to handle them.

How to install Starcraft 2 on Ubuntu Linux

In this Linux guide you will learn how to install Starcraft 2 on Ubuntu Linux. The Starcraft 2 game has been released free of charge for anyone with registered account. Before you proceed with the installation make sure that you have correctly installed an appropriate VGA driver whether it is for your NVIDIA or Radeon graphic card.

How to Install Open-Source VSCode Without Telemetry on Linux

Visual Studio Code or VSCode is a text editor developed by Microsoft that supports many popular programming languages such as Go, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, C and C++. It is a directory based, language agnostic source code editor which focuses on directories rather than projects and has many extensions available for it.

How to install Docker on Fedora Linux system

Docker is a tool that is used to run software in a container. It's a great way for developers and users to worry less about compatibility with an operating system and dependencies because the contained software should run identically on any system.

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