Showing headlines posted by Sulaimon

Web Workshops react.js -- Basic Demo with react.js

According to their authors React JS was built with a main objective: That the construction and maintenance of large applications with data that change over time, be as simple as possible .

React JS is a Javascript library whose main focus is on user interface (view) management. React JS will automatically manage UI updates when it detects changes to the internal data that each component of the view will have. When the data changes, React JS updates only those parts that have changed , is almost magical and very good for application performance, does not need to map, or make changes throughout the DOM unnecessarily.

How to Configure a Sharded Cluster in MongoDB

  • Wesharethis; By Horla (Posted by Sulaimon on Jul 21, 2017 10:55 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
A sharded cluster is a set of Replica Sets (shards) whose function is to evenly distribute the workload, in such a way that allows us to scale our applications horizontally in order to work with large amounts of data. MongoDB uses shielding support for deployments with very large data sets

Reduce the HTML of your WordPress to lower the weight of the page

The public part of a web or otherwise expressed, what the browser paints, is nothing more than an HTML document, where we will find tags of all kinds: imgs, links, sections, articles, headers, footers, etc … A rough way Something like:

GULP.JS: Most Used Plugins and their Basic Configurations

In our previous article we learned What is Gulp.js? And how it works?, that is why we will now focus on the configuration of common tasks using the plugins that Gulp.js offers us.

Here are some of Gulp.js’s most used plugins and their basic configurations:

GULP.JS – Basic Tutorial and First Steps

Gulp.js is a build system that allows you to automate common development tasks such as minification of JavaScript code, browser reloading, image compression, code syntax validation and endless tasks.