Showing headlines posted by damanjeet

Monitor website contents modification with Python

The beauty of python programming. It does everything for you and saves serious money for a company spends to monitor it’s competitor websites. There are many ways to Monitor website contents modification with Python, however, It was having some different issues like last-modified time are not always possible on some of the sites or download the whole page and compare it every time.

What's New in Apache Subversion 1.10.2

The first Subversion was released in 2000 and by then many improvements have been implemented till then.  This release of subversion 1.10.2 is the superset of previous releases and major enhancements have been incorporated in this release.

Apache’s Project Kafka has released stable latest version 1.1.1

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform to publish, store, subscribe, and process the records. Kafka is broadly used for real-time streaming of the data between systems or applications.

Pandas Python Data Analysis Library has released v0.23.3 final

Pandas Python Data Analysis Library has released v0.23.3 final. Pandas is an open source library for the Python programming language which provides data structures and data analysis tools. This is a sponsored project by NumFOCUS. The new version of pandas python data analysis library has been released. In this release, a small bug is fixed.

C++ Boost libraries can increase productivity

Writing code for every function in a software can be time consuming and expensive, so many C++ developers prefer to use libraries which contain modules for different applications to increase productivity. While there are already some libraries integrated with the standard C++ programming language, one of the most popular sources of C++ portable libraries is Boost, .