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And You Thought It Couldn't Get Worse...

You probably think I am writing this to form some sort of action to battle this, right? No, I've learned that is all but a futile gesture. Most Linux users cannot see past the needs of their own cpu's. or the interests of their LUGs. Aptly, readers of this blog have proven to be different. No, that's not my intention least not overtly.

For Those Searching On Christmas...

  •; By helios (Posted by helios on Dec 25, 2007 1:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Community
No, this isn't some esoterical or philosophical musing upon the meaning of Christmas or any other day for that matter. For this instance, you can take ol' helios literally. Just don't get used to it. ;-)

Hi-Tech Under The Tree - Hey...It's What We Do.

Komputers4Kids has had a good year. To this date, we have either built or been donated 110 computers for financially or socially under-privileged kids. We here at Lobby4Linux have installed each one of them and then taught them how to use their new Linux System. It's been a good year other ways as well.

Charting A New Course - And Thanking Those Who Made It Possible

  •; By helios (Posted by helios on Dec 12, 2007 12:58 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Community
One man called it a "God Moment" I'm not kidding...others in attendance can attest to this. He had bought a laptop for a hundred bucks from a friend. It is an old pentium II and a "friend" of his was going to charge him $300.00 to put Windows on it and get it up and running. Here is where he believes God intervened. While he had possessed the laptop for two months, he had taken it out of his car and put it in his bedroom and fairly well forgotten about it. For some reason, he stuck it in his car that morning when he left the house. Even he cannot say why he did...he just thought he might find someone to fix it. Consider it fixed.

What Wine Goes Good With Crow?

Well, ya gotta give credit where credit is due and I need to take a minute and set the record straight on something I spoke of earlier in the week. In a recent blog, I lamented and pouted about not getting any response from RedHat when inquiring about a particular project we are planning. Maybe if I got out of this chair a bit more often and went to do some face-to-face meetings, things would be different. That would seem to be the case.

Doin' It For The Noob

Helios and company have begun a multi-part series on the ideal desktop for the New Linux User. Knowing helios is a kde-kind-of-guy, be warned that he works in that realm alone. He is asking the Linux folk to add their advice, experience and criticism...from there, Komputers4Kids can build on YOUR experience and knowledge.

It's The Little Things Really...

There are several things either happening, unraveling or in various stages of preparing to happen and I think we need to talk about them. In Texas, we have our own particular way of expressing our intent to take action at some unspecified time. Where I come from, "We're fixin' to get ready to have company" makes perfect sense. We have some issues to resolve before they get here.

A Call To Accountability

The "please" is not a is a hard, gloved hand pointing in the direction of those we have chosen to do our bidding. Call them politicians, panderers or power-brokers...they all have a responsibility to you and I and it's time we reminded them of those responsibilities. It's we that dictate to them our wishes and desires. Somehow we have gotten our roles switched around.

Build 'em Right, Build 'em Strong, Build 'em Linux

This is presented to you as dictated from helios. Ken is away having medical needs met and this is being typed as I listen to the playback. I will assure you that I present it literally and without personal input. - perseis

Linux Sets Sail For Uncharted Waters

The Good Ship Linux, while her crew has been steadfast in keeping her ship-shape and gleaming, has been adrift in a rough and sometimes unfriendly sea. Little forward motion has been achieved and her course has, at times, been set in a circular path. The hands on the rudder have been many and not all have been knowledgeable in sailing her.

So This Penguin Walks Into The Library...

Lobby4Linux has recently acquired the means to label and display the disks in an attractive way. Distro authors and communities are encouraged to send us any "official" cd labels they wish used. We have 4 distributions that have actively requested that their distribution be included in the list of those made available,

As the Worm Squirms

Lyons also used his FSJ blog to slam Linux. What most people don't realize is that as a Senior Editor for Forbes Magazine, he was able to parlay his business associations and friendships to launch semi-regular attacks against his favorite target. That target is Linux.

Reflections on the Revolution

So yes, I will today turn to the West and nod my head to the author of the Linux Kernel. I am not writing this to speak of his obvious genius. Neither am I banging on a keyboard to offer praise and accolades to our kernel developers, distro authors and graphic artists. What Linus Torvalds gave to us is worth more than we know. That is being done

Even the Obvious Should Be Obvious to the Oblivious

And Microsoft has decided its perfectly fine to crowbar their way into your computer. They will promptly advise you to direct any comments or complaints to the "Kiss My Filthy-Rich Butt" department. You should have read the's not like you weren't warned.

The "Windows World" Doesn't Get FOSS...(or maybe they do)

FOSS is nothing but a bunch of Birkenstock-wearing, aging hippies that are trying to make one last stand before retiring to a Senior Citizen Assisted Living Center. Yeah, we took their application... "Whadda'they gonna do about it...? Pout and hold a demonstration?"

Jack Write Linux, Jack Go Bankrupt...

It seems that we are watching a project being eaten alive...and some of us are ambling over and stabbing a fork full for ourselves and wandering away without so much as a thank you or a glance back. But isn't that the way of the internet? If it's free, just take it and move on in search of the next freebie...right? It's not long before that freebie isn't there any longer...but hey...we got ours while it was there...right? Screw those too slow or too late.

You're Just a Spot of Ink...

Give me one line...succinct and as short as possible with your first name and last initial. I want that line to say volumes. I need it to be about linux. Either why you like it, why you participate in it or a statement about Linux you consider important. Example follows. "I thought I was computer illiterate until I discovered Linux." - Ken S.

Linux Users - You Have The Right To Remain Silent, Anything You Say...

  •; By helios (Posted by helios on Aug 28, 2007 7:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
What happens when it comes to light that terrorists are using the Linux Operating System to conduct their business. Linux already has a black-hat, bad-boy image. Some of us have learned to create our own style of mis-teek with such's what makes us feel elite. (like purposely mis-spelling a word just to be "special".) Well, it's just that sort of misconception that could find Linux on the opposite side of the law.

Needed - The Two Percent Solution

Most of us live our lives as consumers, and in most countries, regardless of politics, consumers drive the market. It is a rare opportunity to be a two-percenter and the majority of us will never have a chance to breathe that rarified air. It is few that will hear the tap on the door calling us to opportunity. Knock Knock Neo.

Linux - Generate Funding For The Job At Hand

Insomnia and stress can put the mind into altered states of thought and I believe "thinking outside the box" came from just one stressed-out soul. It was so easy in concept, I laughed aloud when I realized it could be done. ANYONE needing to fund a project or even start a business can use or modify this model to meet their personal needs. This is how I did it.

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