Showing headlines posted by linux_servers

Run A Second Linux Desktop With QEMU and KVM

Great for testing and great for beginners, run multiple Linux distributions on one machine with UI-driven virtualisation.

It only takes two steps to secure your Linux desktop

When you first connect a freshly installed desktop machine to the Internet, there are several important things to bear in mind. Two obvious considerations of securing a desktop machine include frequently running package updates and configuring a few firewall rules to help keep the bad guys out. With just two simple steps it's genuinely possible to make a difference to your desktop security.

Secure Your Container Data With Ephemeral Docker Volumes

What with all the furore around containers and orchestrators it can be easy to lose sight of some of their highly useful features.

Hardening Docker Hosts

Root inside your containers is the root user on your host. Securing your Docker containers and the hosts upon which they run is key to sustaining reliable and available services. From my professional DevSecOps perspective securing the containers and the orchestrators (such as OpenShift, Docker Swarm and Kubernetes) is usually far from easy.

Don't use lazy, privileged containers

It's probably a little unfair to label everyone who uses privileged containers as "lazy" but certainly from what I've seen some (even security) vendors deserve to be labelled as such.

Containers running Containers

The container giant, Docker has announced a flexible, extensible Operating System where system services run inside containers for portability. You might be surprised to hear that even includes the Docker runtime daemon itself.

Blessed are the diffs: for they shall inherit the earth

Recently I’ve been working more with the sophisticat that is Docker and it hasn’t escaped me that the foundations of the DevOps world is essentially comprised of layer after layer of diffs.

Linux Tutorial: Troubleshooting the ever-powerful Postfix MTA

There are a number of Mail Servers available on the market today. Some are more confounding than others to configure but super-reliable, others are a little old-school and rely on no small degree of background knowledge prior to getting them up and running.

Linux Tutorial: An in-depth look at forwarding and monitoring e-mails using the Postfix mail server

One of the original Internet services was SMTP (the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

Thanks to forward planning it remains one of the fundamental cornerstones of the Internet that we know and love today.

Linux Tutorial: Postscreen offers superior load mitigation and spam handling in the Postfix Mail Server

The load mitigation and anti-spam solution in Postfix is highly sophisticated thanks to Postscreen.

We examine its innards and look at how to deploy it to your advantages.

Linux Tutorial: Learn how to disguise not only your networked services but also your Linux servers themselves

Making your servers invisible on the network reduces the chance of attack significantly.

Linux Tutorial: Successfully guard against lost traffic during Linux server migrations

Never lose traffic again after changing IP address or migrating between hosts.

Linux Tutorial: Never lose another precious file on your filesystems again with mlocate

Being asked to find needles in haystacks is all too familiar a task for Sysadmins.

Linux Tutorial: Keep unreliable services running round the clock on production servers

Despite your best efforts sometimes daemons don't behave and your services stop working.

Linux Howto: Monitor the load on your network directly from the console

On a continually changing network it is often difficult to spot issues due to the amount of noise generated by expected network traffic. Even when communications are seemingly quiet a packet sniffer will display screeds of noisy data. To monitor your network in detail what you need is a super-fast and lightweight alternative, directly from the console.

Linux Howto: Make Peace With The Linux Process Table

A fundamental design feature of Unix-like Operating Systems is that many of a system’s resources are accessible via the filesystem, as a file. For example the “procfs” pseudo-filesystem offers us access to all kinds of valuable treasures.

Linux Howto: Dig Deeper Into DNS

In this article I will briefly explore the powerful “dig” utility. For anyone that hasn't used in the command in the past hopefully this insight into dig will give a useful overview of what its features can be used for. And, for those that have utilised dig in the past hopefully this article will be a reminder of its versatility and extensive functionality.

Linux Howto: Remote Syslog Logging With Rsyslog

This in-depth tutorial walks you through step-by-step setting up such a system using the very popular rsyslog system logging daemon.