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Ubuntu Studio 16.04 Screenshot Tour

In January 2016 we had an election for a new project lead, and the winner was Set Hallstrom, who will be taking over the project lead position right after this release. He will be continuing for another two years until the next election in 2018. The team of developers has also seen a positive increase lately, which bodes well for the future. So, all in all, this release marks a new page in the history of Ubuntu Studio and makes the distribution as strong as it has ever been. 16.04 Xenial Xerus Released! We're happy to announce our latest LTS release. Ubuntu Studio 16.04 will be supported for three years. Since it's just out, you may experience some problems.

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Screenshot Tour

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS has not just been in development for 6 months. Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS has been in development for nearly 2 years. Since the project started in June 2014 this release, this our first official LTS, is what we've been working towards. This was the goal we had firmly in our sights every step of the way. I extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to Ubuntu MATE over the last 22 months. None of this would have been possible without the countless contributions from the amazing Ubuntu MATE community. I can't thank you all enough for what you've helped create. I only hope this release makes you all proud.

Ubuntu Kylin 16.04 Screenshot Tour

Using the latest 4.4 kernel, upgrade to the Unity 7.4 desktop environment. Added a more concise and friendly login / lock screen and moves the application launcher to the lower part of the screen. The first boot of the system runs the setup wizard. Ubuntu Kylin Software Center becomes the default software manager front-end.

Kubuntu 16.04 Screenshot Tour

What can you expect from this latest release? Our new software centre: Plasma Discover brim-full of software to choose from. The latest KDE PIM with lots of features and fixes Including the latest Akonadi support and integration with MySQL 5.7. Plasma 5, the next generation of KDE's desktop, has been rewritten to make it smoother to use while retaining the familiar setup. Kubuntu 16.04 comes with KDE Applications 15.12 containing all your favourite apps from KDE, including Dolphin. Even more applications have been ported to KDE Frameworks 5 but those which aren't, should fit in seamlessly. For a complete desktop suite of applications we've included some non-KDE applications such as LibreOffice 5.1 and Firefox 45.

Xubuntu 16.04 Screenshot Tour

The Xubuntu team is pleased to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 16.04. Xubuntu 16.04 is an LTS (Long-Term Support) release and will be supported for 3 years. The final release images are available as Torrents and direct downloads from As the main server will be very busy in the first few days after release, we recommend using the Torrents wherever possible.

Ubuntu 16.04 Screenshot Tour

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (‘Xenial Xerus’) is supported for 5 years with critical security, bug and app updates from Canonical, the company that makes Ubuntu. And as a ‘Long Term Support’ release this version of Ubuntu become the new recommended install, the one that new users should use.

Q4OS 1.4.9 Screenshot Tour

We introduce 'Bourbon' start menu, the brand new default start menu in Q4OS. The two panel 'Bourbon' menu is highly efficient and customizable and features a search line, favorites, history and more options. Q4OS 1.4.9 'Orion' is based on the most recent Debian 8.4 'Jessie' stable version released a few days ago. System packages have been updated and important security patches have been applied. A significant update for the native Q4OS uninstaller fixes the unintentional removal of the 'locales' package. Numerous under the hood improvements is provided as usual.

NixOS 16.03 Screenshot Tour

NixOS community is proud to announce the third NixOS stable release 'Emu' 16.03. This is a low profile release, but it contains many small improvements. We had 10,567 commits from 448 contributors in this release spanning over six months. The release brings many improvements including Nix 1.12.2, systemd 229, kernel 4.4 and many packages updates.

Bodhi Linux 3.2.0 Screenshot Tour

This is our last scheduled update release of the Bodhi 3 branch. Existing Bodhi 3 users do not need to re-install to obtain this latest release - they simply need to perform all of their current system updates. In addition to shipping with the latest software in the repositories this release also includes a number of small improvements. Most notably: Moksha 0.2.0 is here by default. Linux Kernel 4.2 for improved hardware support. Multi-Language support for the installer again. Improved UEFI support. A number of small improvements/bug fixes to the default Radiance Theme LibreOffice 5.1 (in the AppPack releases).

Sabayon 16.04 GNOME Screenshot Tour

The Sabayon Community Repositories infrastructure will build repositories for the community, and it is managed by the community itself. There is a main Community repository while there is room to add other repositories, "slots", that SCR Developers are free to use. More on how it works will come later. Currently we are in alpha state, but we are having great results, some packages are already available to the public. The goal here is to have a system like AUR for Arch and PPA for Ubuntu where Sabayon Community Developers (which are community members first) maintain multiple repositories or packages of the Community repository.

Ubuntu 16.04 Daily Build 20160326 Screenshot Tour - Bottom Launcher

The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the final beta release of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Desktop, Server, Cloud and Core products. You can now move the launcher bar from the left side of the screen to the bottom. It requires a hidden terminal command, but it’s now an officially supported feature! Terminal: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom

LXLE 14.04.4 Screenshot Tour

The 'Posh' version of LXLE has been readied and tested since it's last release candidate and in the subsequent days of the update to Seamonkey 2.40, which is a core component of the overall desktop experience provided by the operating system; ensuring performance and compatibility with the suite update was critical before official release.

ubuntuBSD 15.10 Beta 2 Screenshot Tour

ubuntuBSD 15.10 Beta 2 is available. ubuntuBSD combines the installer and utilities of Ubuntu with the kernel and file system support of FreeBSD.

Robolinux 8.4 Screenshot Tour

All Robolinux Raptor 8.4 editions are based on 100% rock-solid current Debian 8 stable source code running the newest 3.16 Linux kernel plus over 180 important upstream security and application updates. We also included the newest Firefox 45 and Thunderbird 38.7, Tor Browser, VirtualBox and replaced all of our 32-bit end-of-life Google Chrome with Chromium. As usual all four of the upgraded 32-bit and 64-bit Robolinux editions are loaded with many popular user applications, such as I2P, many popular multimedia programs, Kazam screencaster, Google Chrome, Google Earth, Skype, VirtualBox.

Minux 1.0.1 Screenshot Tour

Minux 1.0.1 is available. Minux is new a lightweight/minimalist Linux distribution based on Tiny Core Linux Minux is loaded with FLTK and GTK based applications.

Manjaro Linux LXQt 16.03 Screenshot Tour

We are happy to announce our twelfth update of Manjaro 15.12 (Capella)! This update includes an important OpenSSL update (including many packages which depend on it), kernels updated, GTK2, cryptsetup as well as the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Chromium and Wine.

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Beta 1 Screenshot Tour

This beta features images for Lubuntu, Ubuntu Cloud, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu. Pre-releases of Xenial Xerus are not encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu flavour developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting and fixing bugs as we work towards getting this release ready. Also see screenshots for Lubuntu 16.04 Beta 1, Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 Beta 1, Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1, and Ubuntu 16.04 Daily Live 20160225.

Manjaro 16.02 Cinnamon Screenshot Tour

The Manjaro community is proud to announce a new stable release of the Cinnamon Edition. In addition to the full edition with office suite, graphics software and mailclient included, Manjaro Cinnamon 16.02 is also available as a minimal-ISO of 1GB download size, with users in mind who prefer to setup their own set of software. Recent development at Manjaro Linux is taking the rolling release model a step further by now delivering all desktop settings via packages. Like that users will have the option to update to the latest stage of development, even in regards of styling and desktop configuration, at any time if they wish - a feature that has often been requested. This edition comes with the new gtk-themes Vertex Maia and Vertex Maia Square, developed by the community to perfectly match the Maia icon theme.

Antergos 2016.02.21 Screenshot Tour

Antergos 2016.02.21 has been released. Notable changes include: Packages updated for the live and minimal install environments. Work-around Syslinux bootloader issue by downgrading package to the previous version.

Tails 1.8 Screenshot Tour

Tails 1.8 is out. This release fixes numerous security issues. All users must upgrade as soon as possible. New features: Icedove, a re-branded variant of Mozilla Thunderbird is now the official email client in Tails, replacing Claws Mail. Claws Mail will be removed from Tails in version 2.0 (2016-01-26). If you have been using Claws Mail and activated its persistence feature, follow our instructions to migrate your data to Icedove. Upgrades and changes: Electrum Bitcoin wallet from 1.9.8 to 2.5.4, now Electrum should work again in Tails; Tor Browser to 5.0.5; Tor to; I2P to 0.9.23; Icedove from 31.8 to 38.4; Enigmail from 1.7.2 to 1.8.2.

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