Showing headlines posted by relativ6

Your Computer's Clipboard is a Security Problem - Fix it in Linux With xsel and cron

Any program you run can read your clipboard, and its contents linger until another copy event or a reboot. Modern browsers enable multiple ways for malicious websites to read the clipboard contents (or add items in), so eliminate the worry by using a script with cron that auto-clears your clipboard regularly.

The GPL in Layman’s Terms - Free as in What?

Through the glazed-over eyes of friends and family, past that painful look of well-intended but feigned interest, I can clearly see a fundamental lack of understanding about this free software I’m constantly going on about.

This Script Updates Hosts Files Using a Multi-Source Unified Block List With Whitelisting

  • DMT/Linux; By Darren Toback (Posted by relativ6 on Jan 17, 2017 6:38 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
If you ever tinker with your hosts file, you should try running this script to automatically keep the file updated with the latest known ad servers, phishing sites and other web scum.

Can RISC-V - Linux of Microprocessors - Start an Open Hardware Renaissance?

I share the hope with many people that we will soon have access to modern, capable devices powered by both open hardware AND software. There have been advancements in recent years and more hardware is being opened up, but the microprocessors in our pc's and other devices are stuck running one of the dominant, closed Instruction Set Architectures. RISC-V aims to fix this.

Hide Complex Passwords in Plain Sight and Give Your Brain a Break

As far as people are concerned, there are essentially two types of passwords: the ones we can remember and the ones that are too complex for us to recall. We've learned the latter type is more secure, but it requires us to store impossible-to-memorize-password lists, creating a whole new set of problems. There are some clever tricks to help our brains out a bit, but for most of us the limit of our memory is regrettable. This tip offers a way to pull passwords from unexpected places using the Linux terminal.

How To Lift Vector Art From PDF's Using Inkscape on Linux

If you've ever needed a particular piece of digital artwork in vector format, read on to learn how to extract high quality artwork and logos from PDFs found online.

Set Up Two Factor Auth (2FA) on Your Smartphone & Linux Desktop... now.

A tutorial on how to get 2FA (Two Factor Auth) working on both your smartphone and Linux desktop