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Project Darkstar has gone open source!

Today is a very special day here at Sun Microsystems, and especially for the Project Darkstar team in Sun Microsystems Laboratories. Project Darkstar has been open sourced today and is available for immediate download! Project Darkstar is the video game industry's ONLY enterprise grade, highly scalable, fault tolerant, open source server solution available today. Designed from the ground up to be flexible, Project Darkstar can be used for virtually ANY type of online game.

DistroWatch Weekly: Correcting screen resolutions, Hardy Heron, "finstall"

  •; By Ladislav Bodnar (Posted by dave on Sep 3, 2007 2:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Newsletter
Welcome to this year's 36th issue of DistroWatch Weekly! If you have only recently discovered this web site and the joy of testing the hundreds of different distributions and live CD available on the market, then you need to learn one essential skill: how to correct a faulty screen resolution that many of these products fail to set up correctly. Today's featured article lists the necessary steps. In the news section, Canonical has announced Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" LTS, FreeBSD has unveiled the first alpha of its all-new point-and-click system installer, Debian has updated the backend of its package database infrastructure, and the German Mandriva user community has released the first English issue of "MagDriva", a magazine dedicated to all fans and users of Mandriva Linux. Finally, we are pleased to announce that the recipient of the August 2007 donation is the lighttpd project. Happy reading!

New Google Linux Apps Coming Soon

In addition to Chris DiBona’s words about NVIDIA and ATI binary display drivers, Google had also made an interesting splash at the first-ever Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit (which they had kindly hosted at their Mountain View campus) during a presentation by the Google Linux Client Team. What was it? Well, there are some “significant accomplishments” and other new Google desktop applications coming out this year for the Linux platform.

OLPC parts shortage manageable, says maker

The company manufacturing the One Laptop Per Child notebook played down the impact of component shortages in the industry, rebutting local reports that the shortages will affect supplies of the computer when it ships in October. Strong sales of notebook computers and a massive battery recall are causing shortages of many key components, including screens, certain kinds of chips and other parts, analysts and companies say. The production schedule for OLPC's laptop is also problematic because it's starting in the peak season for notebook demand. OLPC shipments are slated to begin in October.

My resolve to treat Microsoft like any another license submitter is being sorely tested.

There's been a lot of debate in the community about how OSI should properly handle Microsoft's planned submission of some of its licenses for OSD certification. That debate has been been going on within OSI, too. OSI's official position, from the beginning, which I helped formulate and have expressed to any number of reporters and analysts, is that OSI will treat any licenses submitted to Microsoft strictly on their merits, without fear or favor. That remains OSI's position. But...But I find that my resolve is being sorely tested.

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 55

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #55 for the week August 26th - September 1st, 2007. In this issue we cover the announcement of the next Ubuntu release "Hardy Heron 8.04", Full Circle's latest issue, the Month of Ubuntu Screen Casts, Gutsy Gibbon's release parties, and, as always, much much more!

IBM's Linux Based POWER6 CPUs Smack Down HP

IBM's new POWER6 processor-based UNIX server has posted world records in key metrics of computing performance vital to a broad range of technical and commercial applications. These leadership results were obtained on 1-core, 4-core, 8-core, and 16-core servers running either Linux or the IBM UNIX operating system, AIX, allowing customers substantial flexibility. The new IBM System p 570 server achieved record-breaking results in the SPECfp_2006 and per core SPECfp_rate2006 benchmarks.

Two Document Standards Means Continued Interoperability Gap

  • Blue GNU; By D.C. Parris (Charlotte, USA) (Posted by dcparris on Sep 2, 2007 8:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
A recent article by Martin LaMonica reports on the ODF vs OOXML war. The report mentions the arguments over one standard vs two competing standards. But shouldn't we be trying to solve - not prolong - the interoperability gap?

PCLinuxOS Magazine September 2007 Issue Released!

PCLinuxOS Magazine, September 2007 Issue is available to download.  We apologize for the 2 day delay in this release; website problems at added to our woes.  However, a few days late never means a dollar short!  Our previous issues can also be downloaded. Some highlights include: PCLinuxOS, A Walk Down History Lane, Ubuntu's Hype is Misleading, A Beginner's Guide to Linux, Part I, How to Understand and Edit /etc/fstab, KDE User Guide, Part 8 and as always, much more.

Linux: 2.6.23-rc5, Kernel Summit

Linus Torvalds released the fifth release candidate for the upcoming 2.6.23 Linux kernel noting that he was on his way to Cambridge, England, for the 2007kernel summit. The invite-only kernel summit has been hosted in Ontario, Canada the past five years, the being the first year it has been hosted in Europe.Regarding 2.6.23-rc5, Linus noted,"hopefully we've addressed most regressions, so please do give it a good testing."

Nouveau Driver Q&A

On the Phoronix Forums we have been running a Q&A with the developers of the Nouveau project. For those out of the loop or new to Linux, the Nouveau project aims to provide an open-source 2D/3D graphics driver for NVIDIA hardware. After collecting a number of questions from our readers, KoalaBR and Marcheu have answered these questions. The questions range from whether there will be open-source SLI support to asking if NVIDIA has ever contacted the Nouveau developers.

Howto display the number of processors in Linux

If you’ve just bought a new desktop,laptop or server and the box says the box is powered by 2 processors, you can actually verify that.

How to create a custom DVD using DeVeDe

In windows there are many guides on how to create a dvd using your own video files. However this doesn't seem to happen in linux and moreover by using a program with a GUI. In this guide I will describe how to create a dvd with a menu using DeVeDe. DeVeDe is an open source program which allows you to create DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or VCD) suitable for home players. It supports any of the formats supported by mplayer such as mpeg, avi, asf, wmv, wma, quicktime, mov, realtime, ogg, matroska and many others!

Open Source VoIP on Campus, Part 2

Open standard IP telephony is quite flexible. We have been able, using standard SIP loads on phones and the features implemented on open standard servers using only standard SIP signaling, to implement features beyond simple "plain old telephone service," including hold, call forward, ring groups, call park, multiple line appearances per set and more.

Hands-on with GamePark's GP2X F-200

Confessions up front: we're pretty hot for any device that sports some sort of console emulator, so when faced with GamePark Holding's Linux-powered GP2X, which currently boasts of SNES, NES, Genesis, MAME and quite a few other gems, it's a little difficult to rein in the enthusiasm. That said, the new F-200 could use just a little bit of slimming

Open Source VoIP on Campus, Part 1

Is open, session initiation protocol (SIP)-based telephony achievable for the enterprise? Lately, I am being told by industry consultants, as well as the majority of trade press articles and vendor presentations, that it isn't -- that secure and feature-rich IP (Internet Protocol) telephony can be achieved only through the proprietary extensions of the established telephony vendors, at least for now. However, communications professionals at several major universities are collaborating to develop these systems, based on open source and open standards, for production use in their own enterprises. Their progress is encouraging.

GNOME 2.19: An overview of the Appearance applet

It seems like things are starting to settle in with GNOME 2.19, and more specifically, the Appearance applet. Those who have wondered why there are so many different dialogs for doing similar things in GNOME have had their query answered. The final form presents one clean, organized application that lets you configure most display settings from one window.

Interview with Pavel Kanzelsberger, Creator of Pixel

One of the applications that we Linuxers have long longed to have natively on our beloved platform is Adobe Photoshop. Although nearly all of us have turned to the trusty GIMP for our image manipulation needs, The GIMP's limitations, such as lack of support for the CMYK color model, keep it from fully replacing Photoshop. Luckily in our community, if there's a hole in the application portfolio, there is a scrappy, innovative dot-org or developer striving to fill it. A prime case in point is Pavel Kanzelsberger, the Slovakia-based developer of Pixel, an up-and-coming and very multiplatform image manipulation program. If Kanzelsberger's ambitions are realized, his handiwork may one day even out-Photoshop Photoshop. We recently caught up with Pavel to find out more about Pixel.

Saving Power on Intel Hardware Using Powertop

PowerTOP is a Linux tool that finds the software component(s) that make your laptop use more power than necessary while it is idle. PowerTOP combines various sources of information from the kernel into one convenient screen so that you can see how well your system is doing, and which components are the biggest problem.

LXer Weekly Roundup for 02-Sept-2007

LXer Feature: 02-Sept-2007

Microsoft is under the microscope with the FSF looking into GPLv3 violations, and news that there will be a Gnome Desktop for the Windows API, Carla Schroder writes about 802.11n, HP launches Linux desktop in Australia, Mandriva Benelux is launched and I finally start getting tired of of the constant FUD coming from Matt Hartley. All this and more in this weeks LXer Weekly Roundup.

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