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Turn Apache into a collaborative authoring platform with mod_dav

Ever thought about how nice it would be if you could edit the files stored on your Web server directly without the cumbersome download-edit-upload routine? Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is the way to do it. A WebDAV server works like a file server that uses HTTP as the underlying protocol. It facilitates collaborative editing and versioning. If you manage a Web server or an enterprise document management system, where different authors need to edit resources, WebDAV is a useful way of providing write access to them. You can use the Apache modules mod_dav and mod_dav_fs for basic WebDAV functionality, while a Subversion module for Apache, mod_dav_svn, provides versioning support.

Why 'Windows Is Free' doesn't cut it for me

One of the great, liberating things that comes with using GNU/Linux and other free, open-source software is the moral high ground. I don't think what Microsoft is doing is right -- abandoning old products so we'll all buy new ones every other year or so. Most respond by using pirated software, but it's better to reject the Microsoft model outright and use free, open-source applications as much as you can.

Linux: Volatile Superstition

"People who think'volatile' really matters are just fooling themselves," Linus Torvalds quipped during a lengthy discussion on the Linux Kernel mailing list. The thread began with a series of patches to"makeatomic_read() behave consistently across all architectures" which included"removing thevolatile keyword from allatomic_t andatomic64_t definitions that currently have it, and instead explicitly [casting] the variable asvolatile inatomic_read()."Earlier in the discussion Linus had suggested that while it didn't actually fix any bugs it did help hide bugs and make them less likely to be triggered.

"You Know Linux? Marry Me!" Doesn't Fly

Three times so far, I've had that aimed at me. There was also the time when a man much more than twice my age asked me to dinner after a brief computer-related conversation in a book store (note that I was jailbait). It gets old, and it gets old fast. I've heard from plenty of women before about the annoyances of men at tech events who think it appropriate to have a come on be the first (or one of the first) things they say to any lady there. So, this is for all the obnoxious straight men (and lesbians too, I suppose) at tech events: STOP IT! We don't come to these things to be hit on, I swear.

[I thought this would be appropriate to post, especially given the row over the Linux Journal Ad.—Sander]

Linux: Moving 4K Stacks Forward

In a series of 5 patches, Jesper Juhl propsed moving 4K stacks from a debug feature to a non-debug feature, defaulting it to be enabled in the -mm tree. He referred back to a lengthy earlier discussion in which he had proposed making 4K stacks the default in the mainline kernel, then added: "Based on the comments in that thread I conclude that 4KSTACKS are not really considered a debug-only feature any longer, but the time is not right (yet) to make them the default - and it's certainly not yet the time to get rid of 8K stacks."

If I Had A Hammer...

I've ask you to come to do more than dig through the closet and dust off the old Birkenstocks. I don't want you to gaze longingly at the old tie-dyed tshirts and bell bottom jeans....the black arm bands. I have no intention of asking you to gently rummage through the old peace signs and Army Field Jackets. No, I ask you to do something more meaningful. I want you to put them back on.

Embedded Linux stack, tools support TI DaVinci

A small Canadian company specializing in hardware/software reference designs for handheld Linux devices has introduced a Linux OS stack and software development kit for Texas Instruments's (TI's) DaVinci processors. Empower Technologies claims that its LDK6446 (LEOs development kit) includes the first available LCD touchscreen support for TI's DM6446 development board. The LDK6446 includes Empower's LEOs (Linux embedded OS) Linux implementation, together with a toolchain and software development kit.

Linux and Video Game Trends

Recent developments in Linux video games shows a stunning improvement in support, not only by a better library of games for the operating system, but also for games not intended for Linux. Linux may finally gain some publicity if the developers continue to improve not just the video games, but also for the applications needed by the games.

Deploying an Embedded Application with Apache Derby

  • IBM/DeveloperWorks; By Robert J. Brunner (Posted by IdaAshley on Aug 18, 2007 2:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM
Learn how to build a self-contained, deployable embedded Apache Derby database application. In this article, the last one in this series, you map database tables into Java classes, write Data Access Objects (DAOs), and combine them with your business logic classes into a complete database application.

Book Review: PC Technician Street Smarts

  • UNIX Review; By Emmett Dulaney (Posted by tripwire45 on Aug 18, 2007 1:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews

There are very few who will disagree that the best way to learn something is to do it. The concept behind the Street Smarts series is simply that if you perform a task related to a certification exam objective, you will be far more capable and knowledgeable than if you simply read about it.

Battle Tanks is a blast

Finding an addictive computer game on a Friday evening can be dangerous. Instead of doing things you have been promising your wife, you spend the weekend in front of your computer playing the game and trying to explain that "this is for work." This is exactly what happened to me when I discovered Battle Tanks. Battle Tanks is an arcade-style game, where you drive a tank, pick up weapons, and blast enemies. While this doesn't sound like a particularly original concept, it's the implementation that makes the game so much fun to play.

Making My Grandparents Leet Linux Users - Part 1

It was time for a new computer for my Grandparents. Their ancient Windows 98 PC had become so slow that it was unusable. The replacement, an inexpensive Acer PC, came with Windows Vista preinstalled. It was up to me to set up the new computer and support it. So I decided to wipe out Vista with a Debian 4 base install and set up an easy to use environment for my Grandparents. In this multi-part series I will tell you about how I did it, starting with my reasons for choosing Linux over Vista.

A review of robotics software platforms

Foreword: Today's nascent robotics market has engendered about 10 general purpose software development frameworks, including nine that support Linux. This article surveys seven of them, before wrapping up with an analysis of market trends likely to shape the robotics software landscape of tomorrow.

Ark Linux Releases 2007.1 and Announces KDE 4 Plans

The KDE centric distribution Ark Linux has announced the 2007.1 release, which includes KDE 3.5.7, the newly released Amarok 1.4.7, much better support for encrypted wireless connections out of the box, in addition to a large number of updates to software and drivers. This will be the last release with KDE 3, from the announcement: "The Ark Linux team already has plans for KDE 4 and Ark Linux 2007.2, one of our goals is to integrate KDE 4 as deeply into the system as we can; for example by rewriting our hotplug system to integrate with KDE's 'Solid' and using KDE 4 to give the user immediate access to a newly plugged in device."

Dear Linux Journal: News Flash- Women Are People

“Howdy. My husband is Chester Gnull and I’m Laverta Voyd, and I’m the lady to light a way for all you sweethearts out there who do fancy stuff with Linux. Me and my husband’s gonna be bringing you tech tips just about every month now….I don’t know nothing about Linux. Chester, he’s the smart one…”

Digital Freedom: Fighting for your Digital Rights

We interviewed Chris Fernandez, of the Binary Freedom project to find out what they are doing to defend digital freedom.

Gentoo cuts key parts of itself from net for its own good

Admins with the Gentoo Project say they have disconnected major parts of its website a week after discovering it could be vulnerable to a command injection attack that allows bad guys to remotely execute code on the machine. At time of writing, users trying to access Gentoo Archives and at least seven other areas of got a message saying they were unavailable. Gentoo pulled the server hosting the sections "to prevent further exploitation and to allow for forensic analysis," according to Gentoo's homepage.

How many Linux desktop users are there?

  •; By Steven J. Vaughan Nichols (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Aug 17, 2007 9:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Desktop operating systems numbers, even when gathered by top research companies, such as IDG and Gartner, are often a bit fuzzy. When it comes to uncommon desktop operating systems, like Linux, the numbers often amount to little more than an educated guess. Now, a new open-source program, statix, promises to give accurate data on how many Linux desktops are actually in use.

Is IBM about to acquire Wind River?

Wind River's stock price rose significantly when the rumour came out that IBM would be interested to acquire Wind River. Earlier IBM was not that interested in Linux based operations as the company had its own operating systems but IBM has now moved toward Linux and according to industry sources the acquisition of Wind River would be suitable for IBM.

Pardus Linux 2007.2 Review

  • Linuxseekers; By Michael Shee Choon Beng. (Posted by linuxseekers on Aug 17, 2007 8:22 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Pardus Linux is funded by the Turkish government. With the support from the government, I hope that Linux and open source software would be given more emphasis by the newly elected Turkey government. As Microsoft Windows is the dominant operating system in Turkey, I hope that this relatively new desktop-centric Linux distribution (Pardus) will slowly capture a portion of the desktop operating system market share and thus release the Turkish people from the grip of Microsoft Windows. Actually, I decided to review Pardus Linux 2007.2 when I got to know of its security model that has raised many eyebrows. Another 2 reasons were the very gratifying wifi experience and of course the Pardus Linux's innovations.

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