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The localisation of into the Georgian language is to be completed this summer. It marks part of an important process taking place in Georgia, a former Soviet republic. A year ago the ministry of education decided to rely on open source software in its multimillion-dollar school computerisation project Deer Leap because delivering software in Georgian was only possible if open source was chosen; Microsoft's local partner had just announced another delay in releasing Georgian Windows.

LGPL - A change on the way

Instead of being a separate license, the LGPL will be the GPL with additional privileges, a kind of template of what additions should be. First Stallman:

This time, it'll be a Wikipedia written by experts

  • The Guardian; By Glyn Moody (Posted by glynmoody on Jul 15, 2006 7:41 PM EDT)
An interview with Larry Sanger - co-founder and "chief organiser" of Wikipedia, and now one of the driving forces behind the ambitious Digital Universe, a free Web guide and collaborative encyclopedia.

Sold! On Open Source

Building an open source–based infrastructure has helped mid-market Bonhams compete with the auction industry superpowers.

Hands-on Preview: Motorola Rokr E2 music phone

Linux graphics stack vendor Trolltech recently supplied with a Motorola Rokr E2 music phone for (p)review. The phone appears to be the same E2 that shipped in China last week through carrier China Mobile, but semi-localized to the U.S., to demonstrate the phone's capabilities

Adding Ajax to a portlet application

  • developerWorks; By Karl Bishop and Doug Phllips (Posted by solrac on Jul 15, 2006 4:39 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community, IBM
Here is your chance to improve your portal's performance. This article shows you how to create a cleaner overall web portal application architecture, and make your users happier with a mush faster portal by integrating Ajax into your portal application.

Ubuntu open to aiding derivative distributions

Matt Zimmerman has responded to a recent NewsForge article that suggests that the maintainers of derivative distributions are unintentionally violating the requirements of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Ubuntu's technical leader says the project may be able to help.

Robot backers turn to Linux

A Japanese tech group taps low-cost components to help spur development of humanoid robots.

[A Nerd I may be, but I liked the Transformers and Macross Saga and Star Wars and... - Scott]


Doc Searls wrote a magnificant column for an upcoming issue of LJ. He uses the movie"Matrix" to raise issues similar to the one I'm about to raise. His upcoming column should be considered a must-read for anyone who cares about free software and free speech.

The world depicted in a different movie,"Brazil", is similar to that of Matrix in that it is governed bycontrolling self-interest. Freedom, as in free speech, is a partial cure for controlling self-interest, which is what makes the concept of free software superior to any other type of software. But there's more to free software than concept. There's implementation. And that's where free software sometimes gets into trouble with self-interest.

[I have to admit, I completely agree with him. I can't believe it. - Scott] Extensions extensions are a quick way to add functionality. Writable in a variety of languages, including Java, JavaScript, Basic, Python, and C++, they allow developers to contribute features without having to master much of's notoriously cryptic source code. For users, they provide quick fixes for commonly requested features.

LastFMProxy makes a good service better

In " makes Internet music social," Dmitri Popov extols the wonders of, a "social" music site that lets users create Internet radio stations that fits their tastes. provides a free player for Linux, but if you want to use with your favorite Linux player, you'll need the LastFMProxy written by Vidar Madsen.

Shuttleworth discusses the future of open source

Despite being on record as disliking public speaking, Mark Shuttleworth was in Dublin last month to give the keynote speech at this year's ApacheCon Europe. His theme was the future direction of open source software (OSS), and the issues developers should focus on to ensure the OSS movement’s continued success.

Firefox: the search engine's favourite

The Mozilla Foundation is wary of entering into too many sponsorship deals however, as they've learnt from Netscape's experiences.

IOSN releases free open standards book

Many governments and organisations are moving towards open standards and frameworks. To assist users in understanding open standards the International Open Source Network has released FOSS: Open Standards, the latest in its series of "e-Primer" books.

[Free book, foreword by Peter J. Quinn. -- grouch]

Pentaho attracts investment for open source BI

Open source start up Pentaho Corp grabbed $8m in venture funding to drive development of its rapidly evolving business intelligence suite.

What makes open-source developers tick?

A doctoral thesis submitted to the University of Zurich in Switzerland has focused on the question of what makes developers of open-source software tick.

KOffice 1.5.2 Released

The KOffice team today released the second bug-fix release in their 1.5 series. Several crash bugs were fixed, as well as a PowerPC issue in Krita and of course many smaller issues. There are also updated languages packs and a totally new language: Traditional Chinese.

Open source legal expert gives ODF patent thumbs-up

Open source legal expert Eben Moglen's Software Freedom Law Center has given the OpenDocument Format its stamp of approval, declaring the office productivity format free from legal encumbrances.

Two Linux PCs Power 12-Station Internet Café

HP, Blueloop And Omni demonstrate how up to 10 users can share a single linux desktop computer.

Sybase, IBM Set Transaction Processing Record for Linux

This new record beats the previous 2-core HP/Itanium2 and Oracle 10g performance record for Linux by 58 percent. It also beats the previous 2-core HP/Opteron and Microsoft SQL Server performance record and is less expensive by 23 percent.

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