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Clubbing baby seals is GPL-compatible: Why Oracle can do better

The GNU General Public License (GPL) and other open source licenses dictate the things you're allowed to do with code. Simply because the GPL allows parasitic behavior, doesn't mean that Oracle can't be called out when it's not being a good community citizen. Some see the GPL's reciprocal requirements as restrictive - but even the requirements to give back changes and share code only go so far. Open source licenses leave a lot of room for companies to behave poorly while still complying with the license. Oracle could ship GPL'ed code on DVDs in wallets made out of the finest baby seal pelts housed in ivory boxes, and it wouldn't be against the GPL. But that doesn't mean the house that Larry built should get a pass if it chooses to do so.

LXer Weekly Roundup for 26-Sept-2010

LXer Feature: 26-Sept-2010

In the Roundup this week we have Mandriva saying "We're not dead" and news of their assets being sold to a Russian firm, Linux From Scratch 6.7 gets released, Dave Newman leaves .net, living through the wild west of FOSS history, the future of KDE, Carla Schroder gets a shiny new laptop and what is the best way to move 60 million files from one Windows server to another? Linux of course. Enjoy!

File Linking in Linux: Hard vs. Soft Links

  •; By Jonathan DePrizio (Posted by nemilar on Sep 27, 2010 1:36 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
In Linux, there are two types of file links: hardlinks and softlinks. This article shows the difference between hard and soft links, how they work, and explains when you should pick a softlink over a hardlink.

Simple Snort Alert Parser Script

Snort Intrusion Detection Software (IDS) is a great out of the box easy to use system to monitor a network for possible threats. While there are many ways to receive alerts, one very simple approach is to periodically parse the alert log and simply mail alerts to whom it may concern. In this text a simple example of parsing a snort alert log using Perl. Note this alerter could probably be used for other loggers and there exist other tools available like Splunk which might be more suited for larger installations. The thesis of this text is to show how a relatively useful utility can be quickly hacked together to provide an elegant solution.

Running The X.Org Server Without Root Privileges

Besides talking about the X.Org Server development process and the X.Org Server 1.10 plans, Keith Packard also talked about not running the X.Org Server as root (also sometimes referred to as a "root-less X Server") during XDS Toulouse. Thanks to kernel mode-setting and other improvements to the X.Org Server, we are basically there, but it's something that has been said for over a year. Moblin though has been running the X.Org Server as a user since their Moblin 2.0 release and now with the MeeGo operating system while others are now looking to get in on the root-free action.

Making a Watercolour-Paint Photograph in GIMP

This tutorial requires a little bit of creativity and imagination for the painting step, but don’t worry it is all very easy to get the hang of and the rest is a breeze!

How we build Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most polished Linux distributions available, fusing the work of a global community of contributors who provide a diverse range of skills to make Ubuntu what it is. While we all enjoy the fruits of a new Ubuntu release every six months, many people have asked the team over the years how this wide range of contributors manage to come together to build a new Ubuntu release.

AWN Lucido is an Absolute Delight to Use, Install AWN in Ubuntu Maverick, Lucid via PPA

Avant Window Navigator(AWN) is an awesome dock application for Linux. Over the years, AWN has evolved a lot and is now the almost-perfect dock application for Ubuntu/Linux users.

New life for Mandriva

Mandriva Linux gets a new lease on life and a new name. Mandriva Linux has once again escaped a potential grave and will live on as Mageia. This is not the first time that Mandriva has undergone a resuscitation and name-change.

Listen to Text and Instant Messages with Gespeaker 'Text To Speech' Utility

  • Ubuntu Vibes (Posted by Dart on Sep 25, 2010 9:10 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
Gespeaker 'Text to Speech' utility is a GTK+ frontend for Espeak , that allows you to listen to text in many different languages. The utility also allows you to listen received messages from Empathy and others instant messengers.

Seabird - Mind Blowing Community Driven Mobile Phone Concept From Mozilla Labs

We have featured a number of mobile phone concepts before, Nokia Morph Concept Phone for example. But Seabird concept phone from Mozilla is in a league of its own. Seabird is a community driven mobile phone concept that debuted at Mozilla Labs 'Concepts'.

Fglrx Finally Works With Ubuntu 10.10 (Xorg 1.9, Kernel 2.6.35/36) [ATI]

Fglrx was updated yesterday in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat and what's special about this is that it finally supports Xorg 1.9 and 2.6.35 kernel. Up until now, ATI users who've tried to install Fglrx or upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 would get a blank screen.

Command line tool for network analysis 2

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Sep 25, 2010 1:59 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
After ping, telnet and dig we continue to see other useful tools for network analysis done by the command line. Traceroute traceroute is a computer network tool used to show the route taken by packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. An IPv6 variant, traceroute6, is also widely available. The traceroute tool is available on practically all Unix-like operating systems. Variants with similar functionality are also available, such as tracepath on modern Linux installations and tracert on Microsoft Windows operating systems.

nVidia - There is No Optimus Support for Linux

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Sep 25, 2010 1:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
I've been working with Linux long enough to know that just because it works on Windows does not mean it is going to work on my operating system of choice as well. Unfortunitly this is currently the case with the nVidia optimus technology.

Running An Encrypted LVM In Ubuntu 10.10

Back with Ubuntu 7.10 an option was added to Ubuntu's alternate CD installer to easily setup an encrypted LVM during the Ubuntu installation process. This would better protect your personal data in the case your laptop or mobile device was ever stolen or misplaced as the Ubuntu Linux installation cannot boot if the encrypted LVM cannot be mounted with the encryption pass-phrase. Of course, encrypting the entire root partition can cause a performance penalty as some of our earlier results have shown while introduced in Ubuntu 9.04 was support for home encryption where only your SWAP and home folder is encrypted and this is done using eCryptfs.

Turn a Pogoplug into a Fully-Featured Linux Web Server [Video]

Pogoplugs are great little storage devices, but they can do more than they let on. Let's take a look at how you can hack a Pogoplug into a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) web server. This is a fun little project, but it does take some time and patience. Be sure to set aside a few hours this weekend to get it up and running.

Command line tool for network analysis

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Sep 25, 2010 9:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
In two previous articles we saw two instruments that have as output of our analysis a graphic form (ntop and wireshark), but today we will see some tools you can use from the command line: Ping, telnet, dig, traceroute, whois, netstat, nmap, and mtr PING Ping is a computer network administration utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network and to measure the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer. The name comes from active sonar terminology.

Google's Schmidt says requiring stock Android would violate 'the principle of open source'

The suggestion has been made countless times that manufacturers who customize their devices' builds of Android (that is to say, nearly all of them) should have the decency to offer users the option of reverting to a completely clean, stock version of the platform if they so choose. The concept came up at a press lunch featuring Google CEO Eric Schmidt last week, and the dude responded with an interesting explanation for why they don't require that of their partners: "if we were to put those type of restrictions on an open source product, we'd be violating the principle of open source."

VMware's Novell SUSE Linux buy out runs into a snag

For what it's worth, I think HP may want to get into the Linux server business by buying SUSE Linux. The root of the problem isn't that Novell can't find a Linux buyer. That's easy. The real reason why Novell is playing coy with VMware and other potential buy-out suitors is that everyone wants Novell's Linux and no one wants the rest of the company.

Zeya- Streaming music server using HTML 5 | Ubuntu

  • Unixmen (Posted by zinoune on Sep 25, 2010 6:45 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Zeya is a streaming music server that brings your music to any computer with a web browser. It reads your music library, lets you browse your files, and streams them on demand. The client runs entirely in the browser using the HTML 5 draft standard technologies— no Flash needed! No Silverlight, no applets, no plugins, no external players.

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