Transforming your Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop to look like Mac OS X

Posted by ambuj123 on May 23, 2008 9:52 AM EDT
Linux on Desktop blog; By Ambuj Varshney
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MAC OS has been traditionally known for their impressive graphical interface and stability. Now even though i have been an avid Linux follower over the past 9 years I have been using Linux still i find my self attracted to MAC OS. Now even though these days it's possible to run Hackintosh on normal Intel hardware but it's not stable and well there are hardware compatibility issues . So well other alternative to using MAC OS is either to purchase MAC hardware(which would be naturally expensive) and run full fledged MAC OS or you could tweak and customize your Ubuntu desktop to look more like MAC OS X .

Step by Step detailed instructions on how to make your Ubuntu 8.04 desktop look like Mac OS X.

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Looks nice herzeleid 8 2,203 May 28, 2008 6:41 AM

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