Looming IT talent shortage sidesteps FOSS folks

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jul 7, 2008 6:59 PM EDT
Linux.com; By Ian Palmer
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A Gartner study from earlier this year suggests that a skills shortage will leave companies scrambling in vain to find qualified help. However, open source developers say there's an adequate supply of potential employees with the skills they have. "The difficulty is not so much if they exist. It's finding the right people," says Jon Masters, a Red Hat Linux kernel engineer who also works on the real-time kernel team and helps support third-party drivers on Enterprise Linux distributions. He says that the supply of competent Linux and open source software types will be enough to meet the demand.

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the job market coin has two sides gus3 29 2,110 Jul 11, 2008 9:53 AM

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