Why Vista is Universally Hated and Other Training Truths

Posted by rsmiller on Aug 18, 2008 7:22 AM EDT
DaniWeb TechTreasures; By Ron Miller
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Microsoft products have always presented a paradox for organizations. On one hand they seem to be universally derided. On the other, they remain the corporate standard. Open source, SaaS/online and other alternatives have had a hard time gaining widespread traction in large organizations. That's partly because companies would likely rather deal with the devil they know, a de facto standard, rather than something else, and partly due to institutional inertia.

It may not make sense, especially from a bottom-line cost perspective, but Don Lesser, who has been writing about computers since the early 80s, says that comfort level and the guaranteed ability to exchange documents internally and externally keep many companies on the Microsoft leash in spite of the known limitations of the products and the business practices of the company. I spoke to Don Lesser, who has run Pioneer Training, a company that trains corporate users on Microsoft products and asked him about Microsoft and corporate adoption of Vista and Office 2007 among other things.

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