The lack of quality video drivers is destroying Fedora

Posted by mhydra on Sep 28, 2008 11:29 PM EDT
Spread Fedora; By mhydra
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I was user of nvidia video card and I was happy to use it in F7 and F8 but unfortunately I replaced that card with a newer one. That time the card was ATI. Of course I did not check if that card is supported in Fedora 9 (I have to blame myself) and just took it. Recently I noticed the news about that how "open" ATI would be in the future. And now I experience their "openness" with my computer. After the fresh install of my Fedora I downloaded the RPM file for the Livna repository with the intention to install the video drivers for the new video card. And you can only imagine what was my reaction to see no drivers in the repository. There were only some testing and development packages and I took the risk to install them. The result was - hanging system with and without reason.

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The entire premise of your article is false mschwartz 26 2,362 Oct 3, 2008 9:16 AM

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