Not Free at Any Price, Why I Switched to the OLPC and Why I Dropped It

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Nov 5, 2008 9:28 PM EDT
Boston Review; By Richard M. Stallman
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The One Laptop Per Child project, launched by MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte in 2003, was supposed to lead millions of children around the world to information technology and freedom. The plans aimed for low cost, enabling many children to use the machines, and free software, so they would have freedom while using them. I thought it was a good idea; I even planned to use one myself when I found in the OLPC’s promise of free software a way to escape the proprietary startup programs that all commercial laptops used.

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Well, RMS speaks. ColonelPanik 16 2,275 Nov 7, 2008 10:47 PM

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