Why Does Microsoft Always Get A Free Pass? Why Does Big Business Reek So Badly?

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Dec 4, 2008 11:03 AM EDT
LinuxPlanet; By Carla Schroder
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Windows worms and Trojan horses infect the entire US military, it seems, and Carla Schroder wonders why isn't this a huge scandal? Why does Microsoft always get a free pass despite causing billions of dollars of damages? Other musings cover corporate rootkits, security vendors looking the other way, and aren't there any adults in corporate land?

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Just like the Federal Reserve Bob_Robertson 0 1,509 Dec 4, 2008 6:02 PM
Martyr of the Year ColonelPanik 3 1,538 Dec 4, 2008 5:27 PM

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