How to Write a Linux Virus in 5 Easy Steps

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Feb 19, 2009 1:20 AM EDT
Tom's Hardware; By Tuan Nguyen
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It's easy for people to pick at Windows for being prone to virus and malware attacks. It's almost a given belief that if you're running a PC with a Windows operating system, you're much more susceptible to attacks than users with other operating systems. But let's quickly look at the reasons for this. First, it isn't really Microsoft's fault. It isn't that Windows is technically inferior, it's that the majority of the world runs on Windows. This fact alone is very attractive for any virus coder or exploiter. As a virus writer, you'd want to attack the majority, not the minority.

[Hmm..are you sure it's just five? - Scott]

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This doesn't work aronzak 27 2,584 Feb 24, 2009 10:24 AM
I can do it in 3 NoCaDrummer 6 1,927 Feb 24, 2009 3:00 AM

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