IBM Linux chief: Chasing desktop Windows a 'dead-end'

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Sep 21, 2009 10:13 PM EDT
The Register; By Austin Modine
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IBM says that battling for desktop market share against Windows is a "dead-end" for Linux. Bob Sutor, IBM's vp of open source and Linux for IBM, opened the inaugural LinuxCon conference held in Portland, Oregon on Monday with predictions for the open source desktop, telling developers they won't thrive unless they specialize. Given his connections to Big Blue, Sutor unsurprisingly (and justifiably) praised Linux for its cloud, mainframe, and hardware-specific ubiquity. But he opined that winning hearts in the general market is a different story altogether.

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Don't bother marketing desktop Linux tracyanne 5 1,600 Sep 22, 2009 10:18 AM

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