Ubuntu Linux powers up

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Oct 20, 2009 11:15 AM EDT
The Washington Times; By Mark A. Kellner
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Just how important are computer operating systems, anyway? We're going to get an indication Thursday morning, when Microsoft Corp. is scheduled to launch Windows 7, successor to the much-maligned Windows Vista and what many critics believe is the replacement for Windows XP that Vista should have been. XP will be exactly eight years old next Sunday, and that is kind of old. In late August, Apple Inc. launched Snow Leopard, which has had a good reception among users and critics. I've reviewed Snow Leopard and shall review Windows 7 in due course. My early impressions of Win7 are positive, however.

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Cost isn't the main issue caitlyn 13 1,583 Oct 22, 2009 2:38 PM

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