Microsoft wants to hire an anti Linux Guru

Posted by DaMan on Dec 31, 2009 4:22 PM EDT
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Steve Balmer, the CEO of Microsoft gets pretty scared by the success of Linux & other Open Source Software. Microsoft wants to hire a so-called "Linux and Open Office Compete Lead", as the job description in one their recent marketing job ads shows.

From the posting: "Build ‘Compete Muscle’ in the US. The CSI Lead owns ensuring that the region and subs are fully ready to compete against Linux and participate with Open Source Communities. This includes everything from training to being the subject matter expertise, where needed. Ability to diagnose and share problem, find root causes and pull together a team that will PLAN / DO / CHECK / ACT in the right direction."

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I hope that softwarejanitor 12 1,639 Jan 3, 2010 7:27 AM

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