Create a KVM-based virtual server in 3 steps

Posted by solrac on Jan 21, 2010 3:59 PM EDT
IBM/developerWorks; By Da Shuang He
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In three relatively simple steps, you can create a virtual server on the Linux® KVM hypervisor host using full virtualization. The Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is free, open source virtualization software for Linux that is based on hardware virtualization extensions (Intel VT-X and AMD-V) and a modified version of QEMU.

In three relatively simple steps, you can create a virtual server on the Linux KVM hypervisor host using full virtualization. The Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is free, open source virtualization software for Linux that is based on hardware virtualization extensions (Intel VT-X and AMD-V) and a modified version of QEMU.

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