Why Microsoft Suddenly Wanted to Be More Interoperable - Comes v. MS Exh. 7068 Tells Us

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jan 25, 2010 2:01 AM EDT
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Guess why Microsoft suddenly decided it wanted to be more interoperable? It's so it can get customers to quit using Linux and switch to Windows & .NET. Remember when Microsoft told us it was interested in greater interoperability with Linux because their customers were demanding it? That part is true, as I'll show you. But the purpose of developing greater interoperability at the request of Intel, according to this exhibit, was so that Microsoft could get Intel to switch its development environment from Linux to Windows. Intel's Paul Otellini had reportedly asked his people to figure out how to do that.

["..and at Intel, the developer crowd was raised on Unix/Linux. They just don’t WANT to move."..I Love It! - Scott]

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"More interoperable"??? Bob_Robertson 3 2,164 Jan 26, 2010 2:50 PM

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