Apple: Worse for open source than Microsoft?

Posted by rpm007 on Apr 28, 2010 6:29 PM EDT
MyBroadband; By Alastair Otter
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Things need to change and Apple needs to be seen for what it really is: a threat to innovation and freedom. For as long as anyone can remember Microsoft has been seen as the primary enemy of free and open source software (FOSS). Free software advocates over the years have held Microsoft up as the pre-eminent example of how software should not be produced and distributed; an example of how they did not want it to be.

For as long as anyone can remember Microsoft has been seen as the primary enemy of free and open source software (FOSS). Free software advocates over the years have held Microsoft up as the pre-eminent example of how software should not be produced and distributed; an example of how they did not want it to be.

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
Oh yawn! Where have you people been the last ten years? dinotrac 25 2,227 May 2, 2010 7:36 PM
again, the wrong question gus3 11 1,969 Apr 29, 2010 3:45 PM

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