Chromium on Ubuntu 10.04 Slower than Firefox?

Posted by tripwire45 on May 26, 2010 8:36 PM EDT
A Million Chimpanzees; By James Pyles
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Maybe I'm being unfair. After all, I have been having networking problems with my Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) virtual machine running in VMware Workstation 7. Seems to be tied to a DNS problem. The VM doesn't pick up the DNS server IPs from the DHCP server on my network (though it gets an IP just fine). I thought the solution was to point to Google's free DNS servers. Worked for awhile, but then stopped. I tried using the DNS servers on my wee home server and DSL modem device and that worked for awhile too, and then stopped.

I finally tried my ISP's DNS servers and that seemed to take hold, though I don't know why. It shouldn't make a difference but I've been surfing from my Lucid Lynx VM for two days now without a hitch. That leads me to my second problem.

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
Funny, I find Chromium much faster than Firefox in Lucid Steven_Rosenber 12 2,868 Jun 3, 2010 1:22 AM

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