Compatible with…(insert operating system)

Posted by pkoutoupis on Jun 11, 2010 8:54 AM EDT
dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/blog; By Petros Koutoupis
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I don’t get it. Or maybe I am not expected to understand it. Yesterday I went to a local Best Buy retail store to pick up a USB Flash Drive. After doing a quick price comparison I ended up purchasing the Greek Squad (the Best Buy) branded product. The next day I took the device into work and just as I was about to open it I quickly glanced at the back of the package and noticed: “Compatible with Windows 2000 SP4/Windows XP/Windows Vista/ Windows 7, Mac OS 10.x and above.“

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Joke or Freudian slip? ComputerBob 8 1,829 Jun 13, 2010 10:47 PM

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