Patenting Software: The Business Responsible Thing to Do

Posted by jdixon on Aug 11, 2010 6:33 AM EDT
IPWatchdog; By Gene Quinn
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Those who are in favor of open source frequently become near apoplectic at the thought that open source software can be, and in fact should be, patented. The reality is that forward thinking companies that operate in the open source space do make use of the patent system. A quick search of shows that Red Hat, Inc., one of the preeminent open source companies in the world, is named as the assignee on some 263 US patents or US patent applications. So if you are about to make an enormous mistake and listen to the “open source means free” community, ask yourself why a highly successful company like Red Hat uses the patent system and acquires patents. If patents are good for Red Hat, an open source company not at all enamored with the existence of software patents, then why are software patents bad for you? Shouldn’t you model your business off successful companies?

An opposing viewpoint on software patents.

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» Read more about: Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community, GNU, Red Hat

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
The argument is that Software patents are a good thing tracyanne 12 2,583 Aug 12, 2010 2:43 PM
Just in case the article author bias-blocks my comment... saint_abroad 1 2,189 Aug 11, 2010 11:04 AM

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