About Those 882 Novell Patents: This is Where OIN Comes In

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Dec 8, 2010 2:26 AM EDT
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I have some important news for you. It's about those 882 Novell patents that are being sold to a Microsoft-organized consortium in connection with the sale of Novell to Attachmate. I've been worrying about those patents, and I was wondering what happens to Novell's license to the Open Invention Network after the sale. So I took the time to find out. And it's very good news. Here's how it works. The patents of OIN members are licensed to each other royalty-free in perpetuity. Even on a sale, the license remains in force for all pre-existing members. If you are a member of OIN prior to the closing on the Novell deal, then, you are covered. The proposed closing date is January 23rd, so you still have time to join OIN and get the benefit of the license to those patents.

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I think M$ is building defenses JaseP 2 1,557 Dec 8, 2010 10:05 AM

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